Special Session 12 A fresh look at the stellar IMF
This one-day special session will be devoted to the latest
observational and theoretical constraints on the stellar initial mass
function (IMF), with emphasis on the integrated IMF throughout the
stellar populations of a galaxy. Recent advances on spectroscopic and
dynamical constraints of the IMF have revealed a systematic change
with respect to galaxy mass, with important implications in several
areas of astrophysics: Does this trend reveal a qualitatively
different mode of star formation andfeedback in massive galaxies?; How
does it affect the stellar mass function of galaxies?, Do
changes in the IMF imply a revision of the DM contribution in the
central regions of galaxies?
In this meeting, we will bring together observers and theorists
focussing both on the "microphysics" of the IMF over stellar scales,
and the "large scale" trends found in the unresolved stellar
populations over galaxy scales. The meeting will surely stimulate
interactions and collaborations across these different areas. Points
to be covered will include:
+ Observational estimates of the IMF, both over small and large
scales, from spectroscopic, dynamical, and lensing data.
+ Modelling the IMF: including both phenomenological and ab initio
+ Stellar population synthesis as a method to constrain the IMF of
unresolved stellar populations.
Note that abstract submission and registration has to be done through the
general EWASS 2013 web page (link above).
Session Organisers
Ignacio Ferreras (University College London, UK)
Francesco La Barbera (INAF-OAC, Naples, Italy)
Alexandre Vazdekis (IAC, Spain)