23 September 2009 -
UCL student joins hunt for life on Mars.

24 August 2009 - Dr
Lucie Green wins Royal Society Kohn award for science communication (
Royal Society and
UCL releases)

16 July 2009 -
Moon exploration
40 years on

22 April 2009 -
Electrified ice from Saturn's moon (UCL
and RAS

21 April 2009 - Quiet Sun
baffling astronomers (BBC)
5 January 2009 - MBE for Margaret Aderin
2 October 2008 - MSSL
hurricane forcasters outperform America's best

22 September 2008
- Swift catches farthest ever Gamma-ray burst (NASA
25 July 2008 - Airshow
outreach takes off |
23 June 2008 - Laser fluorescence
could find life on Mars |
6 March 2008 - Saturn's moon Rhea may have rings (STFC and NASA
releases). |
07 December 2007 - Secrets of
the Solar Wind
16 September 2007 - MSSL
Celebrates its 40th Anniversary |
21 May 2007 - Secrets
of Titan's smog |
02 May 2007 - UCL-MSSL
Mars Experiment in new Exploring Space exhibition |
30 April 2007 - MSSL's David Brockley - Winner of
the mathematics challenge that swept the world (Royal
Society of Chemistry press release) (BBC News item)
25 April 2007 - The
past, present and future of UK space science |
30 January 2007 - Dig
deeper to find Martian life |
19 January 2007 - Prestigious
prize for Swift team |
10 January 2007 - Britain
plans first Moon mission (UK Lunar Penetrator Consortium - pdf document) |
12 December 2006 - The
Gold Medal for Astronomy is awarded to Professor J. L. (Len) Culhane of
Mullard Space Science Laboratory |
28 November 2006 - MSSL
Secures Industry Contracts worth 6 Million Euros |
31 October 2006 - First Sunrise on
Hinode's instruments |
26 October 2006 - A royal guide to Mars:
UCL scientists add another dimension to Buckingham Palace Science Day |
23 September 2006 - Solar-B
Successfully Launched |
17 July 2006 - Hurricane
modelling system wins top award - UCL News + PDF from BIA 2006 Supplement |
11 July 2006 - GOES-13 First-light image |
24 May 2006 - GOES-N
spacecraft successfully launched |
12 April 2006 - Venus
Express in orbit |