17 November 2004 - Countdown to Swift launch
28 June 2004 - Cassini Arrives at Saturn (1st July 2004)
25 May 2004 - Transit of Venus at MSSL (8th June 2004)
08 March 2004 - National Science Week 2004 - The Sky is NO Limit!
24 February 2004 - Rosetta spacecraft launch
24 February 2004 - Europe Goes to Mars
20 February 2004 - 7th CLUSTER Workshop (3rd - 5th March 2004)
11 December 2003 - Unwrapping pictures from Mars
03 November 2003 - Weathering Space
19 May 2003 - The search for water on Mars with Beagle 2 and Mars Express
09 April 2003 - Giant black holes appear
10 February 2003 - Violent truth behind Sun's 'Gentle Giants' uncovered
17 October 2002 - INTEGRAL spacecraft launch
30 August 2002 - The Sun's twisted mysteries
28 August 2002 - Beagle-2 to land in Godalming!
29 May 2002 - MSSL delivers UVOT for NASA's Swift Mission
21 May 2002 - Government Challenged to Support Space Science
20 March 2002 - Astronomers find shortest period binary system
01 March 2002 - New European environmental eye in orbit
10 September 2001 - Yohkoh Celebrates a Decade of Solar Observations
7 September 2001 - Predicting the weather in space
11 July 2001 - S-CAM the Worlds most advanced optical camera.
05 May 2001 - MSSL wins Faraday Partnership
28 March 2001 - MSSL's Great Galactic Giveaway!
12 February 2001 - National Science Week 2001, 'The Sky's No Limit'
20 July 2000 - Insurance industry funds new research into satellite failures.
16 July 2000 - The first two Cluster satellites successfully launched.
14 July 2000 - The first of two Cluster launches from Kazakhstan. 15 July, 2000.
1st December 1999 - Giant mirror in space to reflect young universe.
December 1999 - Surrey lab helps probe secrets of the Universe.
November 1999 - XMM ready for launch on 10th December 1999.
February 1999 - Space scientists in bid to solve the mystery of Gamma-ray flashes.
July 1998 - Astronomers discover nearby star system just like our own Solar System.
July 1998 - High-redshift star formation in the Hubble Deep Field revealed.
April 1998 - Astronomers discover possible new Solar Systems.
This page last modified 18 September, 2007 by Martin de la Nougerede
Mullard Space Science Laboratory - Holmbury St. Mary - Dorking - Surrey - RH5 6NT - +44 (0)1483 204100 - Copyright © 1999-2005 UCL