12 July 2011 - ESA’s ERS-2 retires after 16 years of service to environmental research. Details in our news article.

7 March 2011 - MSSL involved in two missions selected for further study as
part of ESA's Cosmic Visions M3 mission call. Details here

1 September 2010 - ESA and MSSL celebrate 10 years of the Cluster mission.
On 1 September 2000, the four Cluster spacecraft were brought into formation for the first time. MSSL provided the PEACE
instruments on the Cluster spacecraft and continues to play a leading role in the exploitation of this mission. (ESA, UCL).

23 July 2010 - MSSL shares in UKSA award for the development of Euclid, Plato and Solar Orbiter
in ESA's Cosmic Visions programme (UCL Press Release). Prof. Louise Harra discusses solar processes that will be explored by
Solar Orbiter (UCL Mini-Lecture).

9 February 2010 - Chris Brockley-Blatt has been made a Fellow of the Institute of
Mechanical Engineers(IMechE News)

1 January 2010 - Prof. Jan-Peter Muller appointed as Chair of Aurora Advisory Committee
STFC Aurora homepage,
Terms of reference)

4 January 2010 -
Spectacular Mars images reveal evidence of ancient lakes.

23 September 2009 -
UCL student joins hunt for life on Mars.

24 August 2009 - Dr
Lucie Green wins Royal Society Kohn award for science communication (
Royal Society and
UCL releases)

16 July 2009 -
Moon exploration
40 years on

22 April 2009 -
Electrified ice from Saturn's moon (UCL
and RAS

21 April 2009 - Quiet Sun
baffling astronomers (BBC)
5 January 2009 - MBE for Margaret Aderin
2 October 2008 - MSSL
hurricane forcasters outperform America's best

22 September 2008
- Swift catches farthest ever Gamma-ray burst (NASA
25 July 2008 - Airshow
outreach takes off |
23 June 2008 - Laser fluorescence
could find life on Mars |
6 March 2008 - Saturn's moon Rhea may have rings (STFC and NASA
releases). |
07 December 2007 - Secrets of
the Solar Wind
16 September 2007 - MSSL
Celebrates its 40th Anniversary |
21 May 2007 - Secrets
of Titan's smog |
02 May 2007 - UCL-MSSL
Mars Experiment in new Exploring Space exhibition |
30 April 2007 - MSSL's David Brockley - Winner of
the mathematics challenge that swept the world (Royal
Society of Chemistry press release) (BBC News item)
25 April 2007 - The
past, present and future of UK space science |
30 January 2007 - Dig
deeper to find Martian life |
19 January 2007 - Prestigious
prize for Swift team |
10 January 2007 - Britain
plans first Moon mission (UK Lunar Penetrator Consortium - pdf document) |
12 December 2006 - The
Gold Medal for Astronomy is awarded to Professor J. L. (Len) Culhane of
Mullard Space Science Laboratory |
28 November 2006 - MSSL
Secures Industry Contracts worth 6 Million Euros |
31 October 2006 - First Sunrise on
Hinode's instruments |
26 October 2006 - A royal guide to Mars:
UCL scientists add another dimension to Buckingham Palace Science Day |
23 September 2006 - Solar-B
Successfully Launched |
17 July 2006 - Hurricane
modelling system wins top award - UCL News + PDF from BIA 2006 Supplement |
11 July 2006 - GOES-13 First-light image |
24 May 2006 - GOES-N
spacecraft successfully launched |
12 April 2006 - Venus
Express in orbit |