MSSL, Dept. of Space and CLimate Physics
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We offer a wide variety of talks, demonstrations and activities. The information below covers a selection of events we have run in the past, but we are able to adjust according to age and interest of the audience.

Talks by scientists

Exploring the Solar System
Learn about the nature of the planets in the Solar System and the distances between them.
All ages
The Sun our provider
This talk covers the effects of the Sun on the Earth from the aurora to damaged satellites
All ages
Journey through the Sun
Go on a journey through the Sun's layers from the centre out, learning about its energy source, size and violent activity
11 years +
Mission to Mars
What are the condition on Mars like? Why do scientists think that water once flowed on the surface and will we ever find signs of life?
All ages
Express to Venus
What are the conditions on Venus like? The European Space Agency has a mission on route to the planet also known as Earth's evil twin!
All ages
Cassini-Huygens to Saturn and Titan Learn about the mission to Saturn and why we have gone there. See amazing images and find out the latest results. All ages
Find out about the devasting affects shooting stars have had on our planet.
All ages
An introduction to the mysterious objects that live on the far edge of our Solar System. They may have bought water to the early Earth and even the seeds of life.
All ages
Cosmic collisions!
There is a lot of space out there but still there are collisions in our Solar System and beyond. Did you know that even galaxies can collide?
All ages
The evolution of the Universe
From the Big Bang, through star formation to the possible ends of the Universe. This talk covers it all.
What use is space?
Why do we go into space and what can we learn?
A Level
What would Einstein say about warp drive?
An introduction to Einstein's theories and the wierd and wonderful things they predict
A level
The birth, life and death of stars
Find out how stars live and how size determines whether they die with a wimper or a bang!
Space careers
Learn about the wide range of options of careers in space.
A level


Short Activities

make a map of the night sky that can be used at any time of the year
7 years old +
The expanding Universe
A practical which demonstrates how the Universe is expanding
Ages 12+
Curvature of space
See how different masses warp space-time
Ages 14-18
Make a sundial and learn how to use it to tell the time
Ages 6-10
Astronomical distances
Carry out an activity to learn how astronomers work out how far away some stars are
Ages 11-16


Mars lander
Design and build a Mars lander that will safely bring an egg down to the ground
All ages
Space engineering
Design and build a structure to attach to the International Space Station
Ages 13 +
Solar System
Design a mission to the planet of your choice convince a panel of experts why your mission is justifiable and what new science will be learnt.
Ages 14-18 years old
Sunspots and solar rotation
Using a computer investigate the nature of sunspots and use them to find out how long it takes the Sun to rotate


Cooking up a comet
We bring along all the ingredients you need to make a comet and cook one up infront of the students! Frozen carbon dioxide is used in this demonstration
All ages
Impact crater
Find out how craters are formed using flour and sand.
Ages 5-10
Rocket launch
Learn about launches by using a water rocket.
4-10 years old
Tour of the Solar System
let us take your students through a computer generated tour of the Solar System.
All ages

Rocket launching during National Science Week 2006

Mullard Space Science Laboratory - Holmbury St. Mary - Dorking - Surrey - RH5 6NT - Telephone: +44 (0)1483 204100 - Copyright © 1999-2005 UCL

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