@dircategory Editors * reftex: (reftex). Support for LaTeX labels, references, and citations with Emacs.
Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is edition 3.43 of the RefTeX User Manual for RefTeX version 3.43, December 1998.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derive work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
RefTeX is a specialized package for support of labels, references,
and citations in LaTeX. RefTeX wraps itself round 3 LaTeX macros:
, \ref
, and \cite
. Using these macros
usually requires looking up different parts of the document and
searching through BibTeX database files. RefTeX automates these
time--consuming tasks almost entirely. It also provides functions to
display the structure of a document and to move around in this structure
Don't be discouraged by the size of this manual, which covers RefTeX in great depth. All you need to know to use RefTeX can be summarized on a single page (see section RefTeX in a Nutshell). You can go back later to other parts of this document when needed.
See section Imprint, for information about who to contact for help, bug reports or suggestions.
RefTeX is bundled and pre--installed with Emacs since version 20.2.
Users of earlier Emacs distributions (including Emacs 19) can get a copy of the RefTeX distribution from the maintainers web-page. See section Imprint, for more information.
RefTeX needs to access all files which are part of a multifile
document, and the BibTeX database files requested by the
command. To find these files, RefTeX will
require a search path, i.e., a list of directories to check. Normally
this list is stored in the environment variables TEXINPUTS
which are also used by RefTeX. However, on some
systems these variables do not contain the full search path. If
RefTeX does not work for you because it cannot find some files,
read section Finding Files.
To turn RefTeX Mode on and off in a particular buffer, use M-x reftex-mode. To turn on RefTeX Mode for all LaTeX files, add the following lines to your `.emacs' file:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) ; with AUCTeX LaTeX mode (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) ; with Emacs latex mode
) will show a table of contents of
the document. From that buffer, you can jump quickly to every part of
your document. Press ? to get help.
Creating Labelsreftex-label
) to insert a label at point.
RefTeX will either
Referencing Labelsreftex-reference
). This
shows an outline of the document with all labels of a certain type
(figure, equation,...) and some label context. Selecting a
label inserts a \ref{label}
macro into the original
) will let you specify a
regular expression to search in current BibTeX database files (as
specified in the \bibliography
command) and pull out a list of
matches for you to choose from. The list is formatted and
sorted. The selected article is referenced as `\cite{key}'
(see variable reftex-cite-format
, \ref
, \cite
, \bibitem
, and variations) or inside a BibTeX database entry, you
can press C-c & (reftex-view-crossref
) to display
corresponding locations in the document and associated BibTeX database
and no other message occupies the echo area, information
about the citation or label will automatically be displayed.
is used.
To enforce reparsing, call any of the commands described above with a
raw C-u prefix, or press the r key in the label selection
buffer or the table of contents buffer.
(setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t) (setq reftex-save-parse-info t) (setq reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t) (setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
Pressing the keys C-c = pops up a buffer showing the table of contents of the document. By default, this `*toc*' buffer shows only the sections of a document. Using the l and c keys you can have all labels defined in the document and some context of the label definition displayed as well.
With the cursor in any of the lines denoting a location in the document, simple key strokes will display the corresponding part in another window, jump to that location, or perform other actions.
Here is a list of special commands in the `*toc*' buffer. A summary of this information is always available by pressing ?.
. Note that only context in files already
visited is shown. RefTeX will not visit a file just for follow
mode. See, however, the variable reftex-revisit-to-follow
was last called.
was last called.
is non-nil, rescan only the file this
location is defined in, not the entire document.
package (see section xr
: Cross-Document References), RefTeX will switch to one of the external
was last called.
(C-c =) was
, section Fontification.
In order to define additional commands for the `*toc*' buffer, the
keymap reftex-toc-map
may be used.
The section macros recognized by RefTeX are all LaTeX section
macros (from \part
to \subsubparagraph
) and the commands
and \addsec
from the KOMA-Script classes.
Additional macros can be configured with the variable
LaTeX provides a powerful mechanism to deal with cross--references in a document. When writing a document, any part of it can be marked with a label, like `\label{mark}'. LaTeX records the current value of a certain counter when a label is defined. Later references to this label (like `\ref{mark}') will produce the recorded value of the counter.
Labels can be used to mark sections, figures, tables, equations, footnotes, items in enumerate lists etc. LaTeX is context sensitive in doing this: A label defined in a figure environment automatically records the figure counter, not the section counter.
Several different environments can share a common counter and therefore
a common label category. E.g. labels in both equation
environments record the value of the same counter--the
equation counter.
In order to create a label in a LaTeX document, press C-c (
). Just like LaTeX, RefTeX is context sensitive
and will figure out the environment it currently is in and adapt the
label to that environment. A label usually consists of a short prefix
indicating the type of the label and a unique mark. RefTeX has
3 different modes to create this mark.
anyway is that RefTeX will know that a new label has been defined.
It will then not be necessary to rescan the document in order to access
this label later.
If you want to change the way certain labels are created, check out the
variable reftex-insert-label-flags
(see section Creating Labels).
If you are using AUCTeX to write your LaTeX documents, you can set it up to delegate the creation of labels to RefTeX. See section AUC TeX, for more information.
Referencing Labels is really at the heart of RefTeX. Press C-c ) in order to reference a label (reftex-reference). This will start a selection process and finally insert the complete `\ref{label}' into the buffer.
First, RefTeX will determine the label category which is required. Often that can be figured out from context. For example, if you write `As shown in eq.' and the press C-c ), RefTeX knows that an equation label is going to be referenced. If it cannot figure out what label category is needed, it will query for one.
You will then be presented with a label selection menu. This is a special buffer which contains an outline of the document along with all labels of the given label category. In addition, next to the label there will be one line of context of the label definition, which is some text in the buffer near the label definition. Usually this is sufficient to identify the label. If you are unsure about a certain label, pressing SPC will show the label definition point in another window.
In order to reference a label, move to cursor to the correct label and
press RET.
Here is a list of special commands in the selection buffer. A summary
of this information is always available from the selection process by
pressing ?.
and your document is a multifile document, this will
reparse only a part of the document (the file in which the label at
point was defined).
and \vref
macro for references. The
macro is defined in the varioref
LaTeX package.
With this key you can force RefTeX to insert a \vref
macro. The
current state of this flag is displayed in the mode line of the
selection buffer.
it is possible to reference labels defined in another
document. This key will switch to the label menu of an external
document and let you select a label from there (see section xr
: Cross-Document References).
, section Miscellaneous.
Several of these keys toggle certain settings. The default value for
these flags can be preset by configuring the variable
(see section Referencing Labels).
In order to define additional commands for the selection process, the
keymap reftex-select-label-map
may be used.
RefTeX needs to be aware of the environments which can be referenced with a label (i.e. which carry their own counters). By default, RefTeX recognizes all labeled environments and macros discussed in The LaTeX Companion by Goossens, Mittelbach & Samarin, Addison-Wesley 1994.. These are:
, figure*
, table
, table*
, equation
, enumerate
, the \footnote
macro (this is
the LaTeX core stuff)align
, gather
, multline
, flalign
, xalignat
, xxalignat
, subequations
(from AMS-LaTeX's `amsmath.sty' package)\endnote
macro (from `endnotes.sty')
, tabwindow
, SCtable
, sidewaystable
, subfigure*
, the \subfigure
If you want to use other labeled environments, defined with
, RefTeX needs to be configured to recognize
them (see section Defining Label Environments).
RefTeX can be configured to recognize additional labeled
environments and macros. This is done with the variable
(see section Defining Label Environments). If you are not familiar with Lisp, you should use the
library to configure this rather complex variable. To do
this, use
M-x customize-variable RET reftex-label-alist RET
Here we will discuss a few examples, in order to make things clearer.
It can also be instructive to look at the constant
which contains the entries for
all the builtin environments and macros (see section Builtin Label Environments).
Suppose you are using \newtheorem
in LaTeX in order to define two
new environments, theorem
and axiom
\newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}
to be used like this:
\begin{axiom} \label{ax:first} .... \end{axiom}
So we need to tell RefTeX that theorem
and axiom
are new
labeled environments which define their own label categories. We can
either use Lisp to do this (e.g. in `.emacs') or use the custom
library. With Lisp it would look like this
(setq reftex-label-alist '(("axiom" ?a "ax:" "~\\ref{%s}" nil ("axiom" "ax.")) ("theorem" ?h "thr:" "~\\ref{%s}" t ("theorem" "theor." "th."))))
The type indicator characters ?a
and ?h
are used for
prompts when RefTeX queries for a label type. ?h
was chosen for theorem
since ?t
is already taken by
. Note that also ?s
, ?f
, ?e
, ?n
are already used for standard environments.
The labels for Axioms and Theorems will have the prefixes `ax:' and `thr:', respectively. See section AUC TeX, for information on how AUCTeX can use RefTeX to automatically create labels when a new environment is inserted into a buffer.
The `~\ref{%s}' is a format string indicating how to insert references to these labels.
The next item indicates how to grab context of the label definition.
means to get it from a default location (from the beginning of
a \macro
or after the \begin
statement). t
not a good choice for eqnarray and similar environments.nil
means to use the text right after the label definition.reftex-label-alist
(see section Defining Label Environments).The strings at the end of each entry are used to guess the correct label type from the word before point when creating a reference. E.g. if you write: `As we have shown in Theorem' and then press C-c ), RefTeX will know that you are looking for a theorem label and restrict the menu to only these labels without even asking.
To do the same configuration with customize
, you need to click on
the [INS]
button twice to create two templates and fill them in
like this:
Reftex Label Alist: [Hide] [INS] [DEL] Package or Detailed : [Value Menu] Detailed: Environment or \macro : [Value Menu] String: axiom Type specification : [Value Menu] Char : a Label prefix string : [Value Menu] String: ax: Label reference format: [Value Menu] String: ~\ref{%s} Context method : [Value Menu] After label Magic words: [INS] [DEL] String: axiom [INS] [DEL] String: ax. [INS] [INS] [DEL] Package or Detailed : [Value Menu] Detailed: Environment or \macro : [Value Menu] String: theorem Type specification : [Value Menu] Char : h Label prefix string : [Value Menu] String: thr: Label reference format: [Value Menu] String: ~\ref{%s} Context method : [Value Menu] Default position Magic words: [INS] [DEL] String: theorem [INS] [DEL] String: theor. [INS] [DEL] String: th. [INS]
Depending on how you would like the label insertion and selection for
the new environments to work, you might want to add the letters `a'
and `h' to some of the flags in the variables
(see section Creating Labels)
and reftex-label-menu-flags
(see section Referencing Labels).
Suppose you would like to have a macro for quick equations. It could be defined like this:
\newcommand{\quickeq}[1]{\begin{equation} #1 \end{equation}}
and used like this:
Einstein's equation is \quickeq{E=mc^2 \label{eq:einstein}}.
We need to tell RefTeX that any label defined in the argument of the
is an equation label. Here is how to do this with lisp:
(setq reftex-label-alist '(("\\quickeq{}" ?e nil nil 1 nil)))
The first element in this list is now the macro with empty braces as an
image of the macro arguments. ?e
indicates that this is
an equation label, the different nil
elements indicate to use the
default values for equations. The `1' as the fifth element
indicates that the context of the label definition should be the 1st
argument of the macro.
Here is again how this would look in the customization buffer:
Reftex Label Alist: [Hide] [INS] [DEL] Package or Detailed : [Value Menu] Detailed: Environment or \macro : [Value Menu] String: \quickeq{} Type specification : [Value Menu] Char : e Label prefix string : [Value Menu] Default Label reference format: [Value Menu] Default Context method : [Value Menu] Macro arg nr: 1 Magic words: [INS]
Suppose you want to make figures not directly with the figure environment, but with a macro like
\newcommand{\myfig}[5][tbp]{% \begin{figure}[#1] \epsimp[#5]{#2} \caption{#3} \label{#4} \end{figure}}
which would be called like
\myfig[htp]{filename}{caption text}{label}{1}
Now we need to tell RefTeX that the 4th argument of the
macro is itself a figure label, and where to find
the context.
(setq reftex-label-alist '(("\\myfig[]{}{}{*}{}" ?f nil nil 3)))
The empty pairs of brackets indicate the different arguments of the
macro. The `*' marks the label argument. ?f
indicates that this is a figure label which will be listed together with
labels from normal figure environments. The nil
entries for
prefix and reference format mean to use the defaults for figure labels.
The `3' for the context method means to grab the 3rd macro argument
- the caption.
As a side effect of this configuration, reftex-label
will now
insert the required naked label (without the \label
macro) when
point is directly after the opening parenthesis of a \myfig
Again, here the configuration in the customization buffer:
[INS] [DEL] Package or Detailed : [Value Menu] Detailed: Environment or \macro : [Value Menu] String: \myfig[]{}{}{*}{} Type specification : [Value Menu] Char : f Label prefix string : [Value Menu] Default Label reference format: [Value Menu] Default Context method : [Value Menu] Macro arg nr: 3 Magic words: [INS]
Sometimes you don't want to define a new label environment or macro, but
just change the information associated with a label category. Maybe you
want to add some magic words, for another language. Changing only the
information associated with a label category is done by giving
for the environment name and then specify the items you want
to define. Here is an example which adds German magic words to all
predefined label categories.
(setq reftex-label-alist '((nil ?s nil nil nil ("Kapitel" "Kap." "Abschnitt" "Teil")) (nil ?e nil nil nil ("Gleichung" "Gl.")) (nil ?t nil nil nil ("Tabelle")) (nil ?f nil nil nil ("Figur" "Abbildung" "Abb.")) (nil ?n nil nil nil ("Anmerkung" "Anm.")) (nil ?i nil nil nil ("Punkt"))))
Another case where one only wants to change the information associated
with the label category is to change the macro which is used for
referencing the label. When working with the AMS-LaTeX stuff, you might
prefer \eqref
for doing equation references. Here is how to
do this:
(setq reftex-label-alist '((nil ?e nil "~\\eqref{%s}" nil nil)))
RefTeX has also a predefined symbol for this special purpose. The following is equivalent to the line above.
(setq reftex-label-alist '(AMSTeX))
Note that this is automatically done by the `amsmath.el' style file of AUCTeX (see section Style Files)---so if you use AUCTeX, this configuration will not be necessary.
When you have to put several entries into reftex-label-alist
, just
put them after each other in a list, or create that many templates in
the customization buffer. Here is a lisp example which uses several of
the entries described above:
(setq reftex-label-alist '(("axiom" ?a "ax:" "~\\ref{%s}" nil ("axiom" "ax.")) ("theorem" ?h "thr:" "~\\ref{%s}" t ("theorem" "theor." "th.")) ("\\quickeq{}" ?e nil nil 1 nil) AMSTeX ("\\myfig[]{}{}{*}{}" ?f nil nil 3)))
When point is idle on the argument of a \ref
macro, the echo area
will display some information about the label referenced there. Note
that the information is only displayed if the echo area is not occupied
by a different message.
RefTeX can also display the label definition corresponding to a
macro, or all reference locations corresponding to a
macro. See section Viewing Cross--References, for more
: Cross-Document References
The LaTeX package xr
makes it possible to create references to
labels defined in external documents. The preamble of a document using
will contain something like this:
\usepackage{xr} \externaldocument[V1-]{volume1} \externaldocument[V3-]{volume3}
and we can make references to any labels defined in these external documents by using the prefixes `V1-' and `V3-', respectively.
RefTeX can be used to create such references as well. Start the referencing process normally, by pressing C-c ). Select a label type if necessary. When you see the label selection buffer, pressing x will switch to the label selection buffer of one of the external documents. You may then select a label as before and RefTeX will insert it along with the required prefix.
For this kind of inter-document cross--references, saving of parsing information and the use of multiple selection buffers can mean a large speed-up (see section Optimizations).
: Variable Page References
is a frequently used LaTeX package to create
cross--references with page information. When you want to make a
reference with the \vref
macro, just press the v key in the
selection buffer to toggle between the \ref
and \vref
(see section Referencing Labels). The mode line of the selection buffer
shows the current status of this switch. If you find that you almost
always use \vref
, you may want to make it the default by
customizing the variable reftex-vref-is-default
Citations in LaTeX are done with the \cite
macro or variations of
it. The argument of the macro is a citation key which identifies an
article or book in either a BibTeX database file or in an explicit
environment in the document. RefTeX's
support for citations helps to select the correct key quickly.
In order to create a citation, press C-c [. RefTeX then prompts for a regular expression which will be used to search through the database and present the list of matches to choose from in a selection process similar to that for selecting labels (see section Referencing Labels).
The regular expression uses an extended syntax: `&&' defines a
logic and
for regular expressions. For example
`Einstein&&Bose' will match all articles which mention
Bose-Einstein condensation, or which are co-authored by Bose and
Einstein. When entering the regular expression, you can complete on
known citation keys.
RefTeX prefers to use BibTeX database files specified with a
macro to collect its information. Just like
BibTeX, it will search for the specified files in the current directory
and along the path given in the environment variable BIBINPUTS
If you do not use BibTeX, but the document contains an explicit
environment, RefTeX will collect its
information from there. Note that in this case the information
presented in the selection buffer will just be a copy of relevant
entries, not the structured listing available with
BibTeX database files.
In the selection buffer, the following keys provide special commands. A summary of this information is always available from the selection process by pressing ?.
macro referring to them.
macro for each of it.
, section Miscellaneous.
In order to define additional commands for this selection process, the
keymap reftex-select-bib-map
may be used.
The standard LaTeX macro \cite
works well with numeric or simple
key citations. To deal with the more complex task of author-year
citations as used in many natural sciences, a variety of packages has
been developed which define derived forms of the \cite
RefTeX can be configured to produce these citation macros as well by
setting the variable reftex-cite-format
. For the most commonly
used packages (natbib
, harvard
, chicago
) this may
be done from the menu, under Ref->Citation Styles
. Since there
are usually several macros to create the citations, executing
(C-c [) starts by prompting for the correct
macro. For the Natbib style, this looks like this:
SELECT A CITATION FORMAT [^M] \cite{%l} [t] \citet{%l} [T] \citet*{%l} [p] \citep{%l} [P] \citep*{%l} [e] \citep[e.g.][]{%l} [s] \citep[see][]{%l} [a] \citeauthor{%l} [A] \citeauthor*{%l} [y] \citeyear{%l}
Following the most generic of these packages, natbib
, the builtin
citation packages always accept the t key for a textual
citation (like: Jones et al. (1997) have shown...
) as well as
the p key for a parenthetical citation (like: As shown
earlier (Jones et al, 1997)
To make one of these styles the default, customize the variable
or put into `.emacs':
(setq reftex-cite-format 'natbib)
You can also use AUCTeX style files to automatically set the
citation style based on the usepackage
commands in a given
document. See section Style Files, for information on how to set up the style
files correctly.
When point is idle on the argument of a \cite
macro, the echo area
will display some information about the article cited there. Note
that the information is only displayed if the echo area is not occupied
by a different message.
RefTeX can also display the \bibitem
or BibTeX database
entry corresponding to a \cite
macro, or all citation locations
corresponding to a \bibitem
or BibTeX database entry.
See section Viewing Cross--References, for more information.
and bibunits
are two LaTeX packages which
produce multiple bibliographies in a document. This is no problem for
RefTeX as long as all bibliographies use the same BibTeX database
files. If they do not, it is best to have each document part in a
separate file (as it is required for chapterbib
anyway). Then
RefTeX will still scan the locally relevant databases correctly. If
you have multiple bibliographies within a single file, this may
or may not be the case.
The command reftex-citation
can also be executed outside a LaTeX
buffer. This can be useful to reference articles in the mail buffer and
other documents. You should not enter reftex-mode
this, just execute the command. The list of BibTeX files will in this
case be taken from the variable reftex-default-bibliography
Setting the variable reftex-cite-format
to the symbol
does a decent job of putting all relevant information
about a citation directly into the buffer. Here is the lisp code to add
the C-c [ binding to the mail buffer. It also provides a local
binding for reftex-cite-format
(add-hook 'mail-setup-hook (lambda () (define-key mail-mode-map "\C-c[" (lambda () (interactive) (require 'reftex) (let ((reftex-cite-format 'locally)) (reftex-citation))))))
RefTeX can display cross--referencing information. This means,
if two document locations are linked, RefTeX can display the
matching location(s) in another window. The \label
and \ref
macros are one way of estabishing such a link. Also, a \cite
macro is linked to the corresponding \bibitem
macro or a BibTeX
database entry.
The feature is invoked by pressing C-c &
) while point is on the key argument
of a macro involved in cross--referencing. You can also click with
S-mouse-2 on the macro argument. Here is what will happen for
individual classes of macros:
macro are active for cross--reference display. This
works also for labels defined in an external document when the current
document refers to them through the xr
interface (see section xr
: Cross-Document References).
macro but also other macros
with label arguments (as configured with reftex-label-alist
) are
active for cross--reference display.
All usual variants(3) of the \cite
macro are active for cross--reference
macro as well as many
variants(4) will be recognized.
While the display of cross reference information for citations and
labels is hard--coded within RefTeX, the `\index' stuff is
configured in the variable reftex-view-crossref-macros
. You can
customize this variable to add other sets of macros for which the
display of cross--referencing information can be useful.
RefTeX installs a Ref
menu in the menu bar on systems
which support this. From this menu you can access all of
RefTeX's commands and a few of its options. There is also a
submenu which can be used to access RefTeX's
entire set of options.
Here is a summary of the available keybindings.
C-c =reftex-toc
C-c (reftex-label
C-c )reftex-reference
C-c [reftex-citation
C-c &reftex-view-crossref
Note that the S-mouse-2 binding is only provided if this key is not already used by some other package. RefTeX will not override an existing binding to S-mouse-2.
The above keys were chosen to avoid interfering with AUCTeX's settings. Personally, I also bind some functions in the users C-c map for easier access:
C-c treftex-toc
C-c lreftex-label
C-c rreftex-reference
C-c creftex-citation
C-c vreftex-view-crossref
C-c sreftex-search-document
C-c greftex-grep-document
If you want to copy these as well, set in your `.emacs' file:
(setq reftex-extra-bindings t)
Changing and adding to RefTeX's keybindings is best done in the hook
. For information on the keymaps
which should be used to add keys, see section Keymaps and Hooks.
RefTeX uses faces when available to structure the selection and
table of contents buffers. It does not create its own faces, but uses
the ones defined in `font-lock.el'. Therefore, RefTeX will
use faces only when font-lock
is loaded. This seems to be
reasonable because people who like faces will very likely have it
loaded. If you wish to turn off fontification or change the involved
faces, see section Fontification.
The following is relevant when working with documents spread over many files:
, search
on all files which are part of a multifile
for AUCTeX or tex-main-file
for the
standard Emacs LaTeX mode) set to the name of the master file. See the
documentation of your (La)TeX mode and section `File Variables' in The GNU Emacs Manual.
Some parts of RefTeX are language dependent. The default settings work well for English. If you are writing in a different language, the following hints may be useful:
and reftex-abbrev-parameters
In order to find files included in a document via \input
, RefTeX searches all directories specified in the
environment variable TEXINPUTS
. Similarly, it will search the
path specified in the variables BIBINPUTS
BibTeX database files.
When searching, RefTeX will also expand recursive path definitions (directories ending in `//' or `!!'). But it will only search and expand directories explicitly given in these variables. This may cause problems under the following circumstances:
There are three ways to solve this problem:
, define your own
variables and configure RefTeX to use them instead:
(setq reftex-texpath-environment-variables '("MYTEXINPUTS")) (setq reftex-bibpath-environment-variables '("MYBIBINPUTS"))
(setq reftex-texpath-environment-variables '("./inp:/home/cd/tex//:/usr/local/tex//")) (setq reftex-bibpath-environment-variables '("/home/cd/tex/lit/"))
uses the
library which provides the command kpsewhich
to search for files. RefTeX can be configured to use this
program. Note that the exact syntax of the kpsewhich
command depends upon the version of that program.
(setq reftex-use-external-file-finders t) (setq reftex-external-file-finders '(("tex" "kpsewhich -format=.tex %f") ("bib" "kpsewhich -format=.bib %f")))
Implementing the principle of least surprises, the default settings of RefTeX ensure a safe ride for beginners and casual users. However, when using RefTeX for a large project and/or on a small computer, there are ways to improve speed or memory usage.
(setq reftex-keep-temporary-buffers nil)
(C-u C-c (), reftex-reference
(C-u C-c )),
(C-u C-c [), reftex-toc
(C-u C-c
=), and reftex-view-crossref
(C-u C-c &) initiates
re-parsing of the entire document in order to update the parsing
information. For a large document this can be unnecessary, in
particular if only one file has changed. RefTeX can be configured
to do partial scans instead of full ones. C-u re-parsing then
does apply only to the current buffer and files included from it.
Likewise, the r key in both the label selection buffer and the
table-of-contents buffer will only prompt scanning of the file in which
the label or section macro near the cursor was defined. Re-parsing of
the entire document is still available by using C-u C-u as a
prefix, or the capital R key in the menus. To use this feature,
(setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t)
or when you exit Emacs. The information is
restored when you begin working with a document in a new editing
session. To use this feature, put into `.emacs':
(setq reftex-save-parse-info t)
(setq reftex-allow-automatic-rescan nil)RefTeX will then occasionally annotate new labels in the selection buffer, saying that their position in the label list in uncertain. A manual document scan will fix this.
. Updating the buffer takes as long as recreating it
- so the time saving is limited to cases where no new labels of that
category have been added. To turn on this feature, use
(setq reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t)You can also inhibit the automatic updating entirely. Then the selection buffer will always pop up very fast, but may not contain the most recently defined labels. You can always update the buffer by hand, with the g key. To get this behavior, use instead
(setq reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t reftex-auto-update-selection-buffers nil)
As a summary, here are the settings I recommend for heavy use of RefTeX with large documents:
(setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t reftex-save-parse-info t reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t)
AUCTeX is without doubt the best major mode for editing TeX and LaTeX files with Emacs. AUCTeX is part of the XEmacs distribution. It is also available from the AUCTeX distribution site.
RefTeX contains code to interface with AUCTeX. When this interface is turned on, both packages will interact closely. Instead of using RefTeX's commands directly, you can then also use them indirectly as part of the AUCTeX environment(5). The interface is turned on with
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
If you need finer control about which parts of the interface are used and which not, customize this variable with M-x customize-variable RET reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX RET.
The following list describes the individual parts of the interface.
to insert labelsreftex-label
is called instead.
For example, if you type C-c C-e equation RET, AUCTeX and
RefTeX will insert
\begin{equation} \label{eq:1} \end{equation}without further prompts. Similarly, when you type C-c C-s section RET, RefTeX will offer its default label which is derived from the section title.
and TeX-arg-cite
to prompt for arguments
which are labels and citation keys. The interface takes over these
functions(6) and supplies the macro
arguments with RefTeX's mechanisms. For example, when you
type C-c RET ref RET, RefTeX will supply its
label selection process (see section Referencing Labels).
Style files are Emacs Lisp files which are evaluated by AUCTeX in
association with the \documentclass
and \usepackage
commands of a document. Support for RefTeX in such a style file
is useful when the LaTeX style defines macros or environments connected
with labels and citations. Some style files (e.g. `amsmath.el' or
`natbib.el') distributed with AUCTeX already support RefTeX
in this way.
Before calling a RefTeX function, the style hook should always test for the availability of the function, so that the style file will also work for people who do not use RefTeX.
Additions made with style files in the way described below remain local
to the current document. For example, if one package uses AMSTeX, the
style file will make RefTeX switch over to \eqref
, but
this will not affect other documents.
A style hook may contain calls to
(7) which defines additions to
. The argument taken by this function must have
the same format as reftex-label-alist
. The `amsmath.el'
style file of AUCTeX for example contains the following:
(TeX-add-style-hook "amsmath" (lambda () (if (fboundp 'reftex-add-label-environments) (reftex-add-label-environments '(AMSTeX)))))
while a package myprop
defining a proposition
with \newtheorem
might use
(TeX-add-style-hook "myprop" (lambda () (LaTeX-add-environments '("proposition" LaTeX-env-label)) (if (fboundp 'reftex-add-label-environments) (reftex-add-label-environments '(("proposition" ?p "prop:" "~\\ref{%s}" t ("Proposition" "Prop.")))))))
Similarly, a style hook may contain a call to
to set the citation format. The style
file `natbib.el' for the Natbib citation style does switch
RefTeX's citation format like this:
(TeX-add-style-hook "natbib" (lambda () (if (fboundp 'reftex-set-cite-format) (reftex-set-cite-format 'natbib))))
Finally, the hook may contain a call to reftex-add-section-levels
to define additional section statements. For example, the FoilTeX class
has just two headers, \foilhead
and \rotatefoilhead
. Here
is a style file `foils.el' that will inform RefTeX about these:
(TeX-add-style-hook "foils" (lambda () (if (fboundp 'reftex-add-section-levels) (reftex-add-section-levels '(("foilhead" . 3) ("rotatefoilhead" . 3))))))
Once you have written a document with labels, references and citations,
it can be nice to read it like a hypertext document. RefTeX has
some support for that: reftex-view-crossref
(bound to C-c
&), reftex-mouse-view-crossref
(bound to S-mouse-2), and
. A somewhat fancier interface with mouse
highlighting is provided (among other things) by Peter S. Galbraith's
`bib-cite.el'. There is some overlap in the functionalities of
Bib-cite and RefTeX. Bib-cite.el comes bundled with
Bib-cite version 3.06 and later can be configured so that bib-cite's
mouse functions use RefTeX for displaying references and citations.
This can be useful in particular when working with the LaTeX xr
package or with an explicit thebibliography
environment (rather
than BibTeX). Bib-cite cannot handle those, but RefTeX does. To
make use of this feature, try
(setq bib-cite-use-reftex-view-crossref t)
, \include
, \bibliography
and \section
(etc.) statements have to be first on a line (except for white space).
, and \ee
for \end{equation}
RefTeX cannot be configured to see these--you will have to used
the full \begin
and \end
), the section
numbers in the table of contents may eventually become wrong. A full
scan will fix this.
are global
and apply to all documents. If you need to make definitions local to a
document, because they would interfere with settings in other documents,
you should use AUCTeX and set up style files with calls to
, reftex-set-cite-format
, and
. Settings made with these functions
remain local to the current document. See section AUC TeX, for more
may have problems to jump to an affected
section heading. There are three possible ways to deal with
(setq reftex-keep-temporary-buffers t)
(setq reftex-initialize-temporary-buffers t)
to a list of hook
functions doing a minimal initialization.reftex-refontify-context
to specify a label. E.g. Lamport's `pf.sty' uses both
\step{label}{claim} and \begin{step+}{label} claim \end{step+}We need to trick RefTeX into swallowing this:
;; Configuration for Lamport's pf.sty (setq reftex-label-alist '(("\\step{*}{}" ?p "st:" "~\\stepref{%s}" 2 ("Step" "St.")) ("\\begin{step+}{*}" ?p "st:" "~\\stepref{%s}" 1000)))The first line is just a normal configuration for a macro. For the
environment we actually tell RefTeX to look for the
macro `\begin{step+}' and interpret the first
argument (which really is a second argument to the macro \begin
as a label of type ?p
. Argument count for this macro starts only
after the `{step+}', also when specifying how to get
(setq reftex-use-itimer-in-xemacs t)
(viper-harness-minor-mode "reftex")
RefTeX was written by Carsten Dominik dominik@strw.leidenuniv.nl, with contributions by Stephen Eglen. RefTeX is currently maintained by
Carsten Dominik dominik@strw.leidenuniv.nl
If you have questions about RefTeX, there are several Usenet
groups which have competent readers: comp.emacs
, comp.emacs.xemacs
, comp.text.tex
You can also write directly to the maintainer.
If you find a bug in RefTeX or its documentation, or if you want to contribute code or ideas, please contact the maintainer. Remember to provide all necessary information such as version numbers of Emacs and RefTeX, and the relevant part of your configuration in `.emacs'. When reporting a bug which throws an exception, please include a backtrace if you know how to produce one.
RefTeX is bundled and preinstalled with Emacs since version 20.2.
It was also bundled and preinstalled with XEmacs 19.16--20.x. XEmacs
21.x users want to install the corresponding plugin package which is
available from the XEmacs ftp
site. See the XEmacs 21.x
documentation on package installation for details.
Users of earlier Emacs distributions (including Emacs 19) can get a RefTeX distribution from the maintainers webpage.
Thanks to the people on the Net who have used RefTeX and helped developing it with their reports. In particular thanks to Fran Burstall, Alastair Burt, Soren Dayton, Stephen Eglen, Karl Eichwalder, Peter Galbraith, Kai Grossjohann, Dieter Kraft, Adrian Lanz, Rory Molinari, Laurent Mugnier, Sudeep Kumar Palat, Daniel Polani, Robin Socha, Richard Stanton, Allan Strand, Jan Vroonhof, Christoph Wedler, Alan Williams.
The view-crossref
feature was inspired by Peter Galbraith's
Finally thanks to Uwe Bolick who first got me (some years ago) into supporting LaTeX labels and references with an editor (which was MicroEmacs at the time).
Here is a summary of RefTeX's commands. All commands are available
from the Ref
menu. For keybindings, see section Default Keybindings.
command or a thebibliography
and offers the matching entries for selection. The selected entry is
formated according to reftex-cite-format
and inserted into the
command, it
will add another key, ignoring the value of
. Thus, `aaaa&&bbb' matches entries which contain
both `aaaa' and `bbb'. While entering the regexp, completion
on knows citation keys is possible. `=' is a good regular
expression to match all entries in all files.
, \ref
, \bibitem
, \index
and many derivatives of
these. Where it makes sense, subsequent calls show additional
locations. See also the variable reftex-view-crossref-extra
the command reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex
. With one or two
C-u prefixes, enforce rescanning of the document. With argument
2, select the window showing the cross reference.
on the current document. The
TAGS file is also immediately visited with
commands. Works on the entire multifile document. No
active TAGS table is required.
Here is a complete list of RefTeX's configuration variables. All
variables have customize support--so if you are not familiar with Emacs
Lisp (and even if you are) you might find it more comfortable to use
to look at and change these variables. M-x
reftex-customize will get you there.
means, split the selected window to display the
`*toc*' buffer. This helps to keep the window configuration, but
makes the *toc* small. When nil
, all other windows except the
selected one will be deleted, so that the `*toc*' window fills half
the frame.
means, include labels in `*toc*' buffer. This flag
can be toggled from within the `*toc*' buffer with the l
means, include context with labels in the `*toc*'
buffer. Context will only be shown if the labels are visible as well.
This flag can be toggled from within the `*toc*' buffer with the
c key.
means, include file boundaries in `*toc*' buffer.
This flag can be toggled from within the `*toc*' buffer with the
i key.
means, point in `*toc*' buffer (the
table-of-contents buffer) will cause other window to follow. The other
window will show the corresponding part of the document. This flag can
be toggled from within the `*toc*' buffer with the f
should always be the last entry.
. The only things you
must not change is that ?s
is the type indicator for
section labels, and SPC for the any
label type. These are
hard-coded at other places in the code.
The value of the variable must be a list of items. Each item is a list itself and has the following structure:
(env-or-macro type-key label-prefix reference-format context-method (magic-word ... ))
Each list entry describes either an environment carrying a counter for
use with \label
and \ref
, or a LaTeX macro defining a
label as (or inside) one of its arguments. The elements of each list
entry are:
for section labels, any
to define a
group which contains all labels.
This may also be nil
if the entry is only meant to change some
settings associated with the type indicator character (see
, must be a printable ASCII
character. The type indicator is a single character which defines a
label type. Any label inside the environment or macro is assumed to
belong to this type. The same character may occur several times in this
list, to cover cases in which different environments carry the same
label type (like equation
and eqnarray
). If the type
indicator is nil
and the macro has a label argument `{*}',
the macro defines neutral labels just like \label
. In this case
the reminder of this entry is ignored.
%f Current file name, directory and extension stripped. %F Current file name relative to master file directory. %u User login name, on systems which support this.Example: In a file `intro.tex', `eq:%f:' will become `eq:intro:'.
, use the text following the `\label{...}' macro.t
, use
, item
, eqnarray-like
, this symbol will internally be translated into an
appropriate regexp (see also the variable
The function is expected to return a suitable context string. It should
throw an exception (error) when failing to find context. As an example,
here is a function returning the 10 chars following the label macro as
(defun my-context-function (env-or-mac) (if (> (point-max) (+ 10 (point))) (buffer-substring (point) (+ 10 (point))) (error "Buffer too small")))
(nil . t)
uses the text after the label (nil
) for
display, and text from the default position (t
) to derive a label
string. This is actually used for section labels.
, the label list offered will be automatically
restricted to labels of the correct type. If the first element of this
word--list is the symbol `regexp', the strings are interpreted as regular
expressions(8).If the type indicator characters of two or more entries are the same, RefTeX will use
format and prefix
Any list entry may also be a symbol. If that has an association in
, the cddr
of that association is
spliced into the list. However, builtin defaults should normally be set
with the variable reftex-default-label-alist-entries
of each cons cell is the name of the section macro. The
is a number indicating its level. A negative level means the
same as the positive value, but the section will never get a
(format regexp (regexp-quote environment))
is used
to calculate the final regular expression--so `%s' will be
replaced with the environment or macro.
(derive prompt)
If deriveis t
, RefTeX will try to derive a sensible
label from context. A section label for example will be derived from
the section heading. The conversion of the context to a legal label is
governed by the specifications given in
. If derive is nil
the default label will consist of the prefix and a unique number, like
If prompt is t
, the user will be prompted for a label
string. When prompt is nil
, the default label will be
inserted without query.
So the combination of derive and prompt controls label insertion. Here is a table describing all four possibilities:
derive prompt action ----------------------------------------------------------- nil nil Insert simple label, like `eq:22' or `sec:13'. No query. nil t Prompt for label. t nil Derive a label from context and insert. No query. t t Derive a label from context, prompt for confirmation.
Each flag may be set to t
, nil
, or a string of label type
letters indicating the label types for which it should be true. Thus,
the combination may be set differently for each label type. The default
settings `"s"' and `"sft"' mean: Derive section labels from
headings (with confirmation). Prompt for figure and table labels. Use
simple labels without confirmation for everything else.
The available label types are: s
(section), f
(table), i
(item), e
(equation), n
(footnote), plus any definitions in reftex-label-alist
, should be a function which produces the string to
insert as a label definition. The function will be called with two
arguments, the label and the default-format (usually
`\label{%s}'). It should return the string to insert into the
removes the accents from Latin-1
characters. X-Symbol (>=2.6) sets this variable to the much more
general x-symbol-translate-to-ascii
: Throw away any words containing characters illegal in labels.t
: Throw away only the illegal characters, not the whole word.
: Never abbreviate words.t
: Always abbreviate words (see reftex-abbrev-parameters
: Abbreviate words if necessary to shorten label string.
: Downcase words before putting them into the label.
means do not show the short context.
Each of these flags can be set to t
or nil
, or to a string
of type letters indicating the label types for which it should be true.
These strings work like character classes in regular expressions. Thus,
setting one of the flags to `"sf"' makes the flag true for section
and figure labels, nil
for everything else. Setting it to
`"^sf"' makes it the other way round.
The available label types are: s
(section), f
(table), i
(item), e
(equation), n
(footnote), plus any definitions in reftex-label-alist
Most options can also be switched from the label menu itself--so if you decide here to not have a table of contents in the label menu, you can still get one interactively during selection from the label menu.
, should be a function which produces the string to
insert as a reference. Note that the insertion format can also be
changed with reftex-label-alist
. The function will be called with
two arguments, the label and the default-format (usually
`~\ref{%s}'). It should return the string to insert into the
means, the varioref macro \vref
is used as
default. In the selection buffer, the v key toggles the reference
macro between \ref
and \vref
. The value of this variable
determines the default which is active when entering the selection
process. Instead of nil
or t
, this may also be a string
of type letters indicating the label types for which it should be
means, reftex-reference
will try to guess the
label type. To do that, RefTeX will look at the word before the
cursor and compare it with the magic words given in
. When it finds a match, RefTeX will
immediately offer the correct label menu--otherwise it will prompt you
for a label type. If you set this variable to nil
, RefTeX
will always prompt for a label type.
, but may have other uses as well.
specific hook. Probably not useful for other purposes.
The functions get two arguments, the buffer from where the command
started and a symbol indicating in what context the hook is
. File names matched by any of these regexps
will not be parsed. Intended for files which contain only
macro definitions and the like, which are ignored by
RefTeX anyway.
is called from a document which has neither
a `\bibliography{...}' statement nor a thebibliography
environment, RefTeX will scan these files instead. Intended for
using reftex-citation
in non-LaTeX files. The files will be
searched along the BIBINPUTS or TEXBIB path.
nil Do not sort entries. author Sort entries by author name. year Sort entries by increasing year. reverse-year Sort entries by decreasing year.
for more complex examples.
If reftex-cite-format
is a string, it will be used as the format.
In the format, the following percent escapes will be expanded.
It is also possible to access all other BibTeX database fields:
%b booktitle %c chapter %d edition %h howpublished %i institution %j journal %k key %m month %n number %o organization %p pages %P first page %r address %s school %u publisher %t title %v volume %y year %B booktitle, abbreviated %T title, abbreviated
Usually, only `%l' is needed. The other stuff is mainly for the
echo area display, and for (setq reftex-comment-citations t)
`%<' as a special operator kills punctuation and space around it after the string has been formatted.
Beware that all this only works with BibTeX database files. When
citations are made from the \bibitems
in an explicit
environment, only `%l' is available.
If reftex-cite-format
is an alist of characters and strings, the
user will be prompted for a character to select one of the possible
format strings.
In order to configure this variable, you can either set
directly yourself or set it to the
symbol of one of the predefined styles (see
). E.g.: (setq reftex-cite-format
If non-nil
, should be a function which produces the string to
insert as a citation. Note that the citation format can also be changed
with the variable reftex-cite-format
. The function will be
called with two arguments, the citation-key and the
default-format (taken from reftex-cite-format
). It should
return the string to insert into the buffer.
means add a comment for each citation describing the full
entry. The comment is formatted according to
for possible
percent escapes.
is called with point in an
argument of a macro. Each entry has the structure (macro-re
search-re highlight). macro-re is matched against the
macro. search-re is the regexp used to search for cross
references. `%s' in this regexp is replaced with with the argument
at point. highlight is an integer indicating which subgroup of
the match should be highlighted. \ref
and \\cite
(and their variations) are hard-coded and need no mentioning in this
means, initially turn automatic viewing of crossref info
on. Automatic viewing of crossref info normally uses the echo area.
Whenever point is on the argument of a \ref
or \cite
macro, and no other message is being displayed, the echo area will
display information about that cross reference. You can also set the
variable to the symbol window
. In this case a small temporary
window is used for the display. This feature can be turned on and of
from the menu (Ref->Options).
for possible percent
means, automatic citation display will revisit files if
necessary. When nil, citation display in echo area will only be active
for cached echo strings (see reftex-cache-cite-echo
), or for
BibTeX database files which are already visited by a live associated
means, the information displayed in the echo area for
cite macros (see variable reftex-auto-view-crossref
) is cached and
saved along with the parsing information. The cache survives document
scans. In order to clear it, use M-x reftex-reset-mode.
"!kpsewhich -show-path=.tex"
Multiple directories can be separated by the system dependent
. Directories ending in `//' or `!!' will
be expanded recursively. See also reftex-use-external-file-finders
"!kpsewhich -show-path=.bib"
Multiple directories can be separated by the system dependent
. Directories ending in `//' or `!!' will
be expanded recursively. See also reftex-use-external-file-finders
(type . (def-ext other-ext ...))
type: File type like"bib"
. def-ext: The default extension for that file type, like".tex"
. other-ext: Any number of other legal extensions for this file type.
When a files is searched and it does not have any of the legal extensions, we try the default extension first, and then the naked file name.
means, search all specified directories before trying
recursion. Thus, in a path `.//:/tex/', search first `./',
then `/tex/', and then all subdirectories of `./'. If this
option is nil
, the subdirectories of `./' are searched
before `/tex/'. This is mainly for speed--most of the time the
recursive path is for the system files and not for the user files. Set
this to nil
if the default makes RefTeX finding files with
equal names in wrong sequence.
means, use external programs to find files. Normally,
RefTeX searches the paths given in the environment variables
to find TeX files and BibTeX
database files. With this option turned on, it calls an external
program specified in the option reftex-external-file-finders
instead. As a side effect, the variables
will be ignored.
(type . program)
type is either "tex"
or "bib"
. program is a
string containing the external program to use with any arguments.
will be replaced by the name of the file to be found. Note
that these commands will be executed directly, not via a shell. Only
relevant when reftex-use-external-file-finders
means, keep buffers created for parsing and lookup.
RefTeX sometimes needs to visit files related to the current
document. We distinguish files visited forThe created buffers can be kept for later use, or be thrown away immediately after use, depending on the value of this variable:
If a buffer is to be kept, the file is visited normally (which is
potentially slow but will happen only once). If a buffer is to be thrown
away, the initialization of the buffer depends upon the variable
means do initializations even when visiting file
temporarily. When nil
, RefTeX may turn off find-file hooks and
other stuff to briefly visit a file. When t
, the full default
initializations are done (find-file-hook
etc.). Instead of
or nil
, this variable may also be a list of hook
functions to do a minimal initialization.
or \input
matched by any of the regular expressions in this list, that file is not
parsed by RefTeX.
means, re-parse only 1 file when asked to re-parse.
Re-parsing is normally requested with a C-u prefix to many RefTeX
commands, or with the r key in menus. When this option is
in a multifile document, we will only parse the current buffer,
or the file associated with the label or section heading near point in a
menu. Requesting re-parsing of an entire multifile document then
requires a C-u C-u prefix or the capital R key in
means, save information gathered with parsing in a file.
The file `MASTER.rel' in the same directory as `MASTER.tex' is
used to save the information. When this variable is t
means, RefTeX may rescan the document when this seems
necessary. Applies (currently) only in rare cases, when a new label
cannot be placed with certainty into the internal label list.
means use a separate selection buffer for each label
type. These buffers are kept from one selection to the next and need
not to be created for each use--so the menu generally comes up faster.
The selection buffers will be erased (and therefore updated)
automatically when new labels in its category are added. See the
variable reftex-auto-update-selection-buffers
means, selection buffers will be updated automatically.
When a new label is defined with reftex-label
, all selection
buffers associated with that label category are emptied, in order to
force an update upon next use. When nil
, the buffers are left
alone and have to be updated by hand, with the g key from the
label selection process. The value of this variable will only have any
effect when reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers
means, use fonts in label menu and on-the-fly help.
Font-lock must be loaded as well to actually get fontified
display. After changing this option, a rescan may be necessary to
activate it.
means, re-fontify the context in the label menu with
font-lock. This slightly slows down the creation of the label menu. It
is only necessary when you definitely want the context fontified.
This option may have 3 different values:
The option is ignored when reftex-use-fonts
is nil
means, highlight selected text in selection and
`*toc*' buffers. Normally, the text near the cursor is the
selected text, and it is highlighted. This is the entry most
keys in the selection and `*toc*' buffers act on. However, if you
mainly use the mouse to select an item, you may find it nice to have
mouse-triggered highlighting instead or as well. The
variable may have one of these values:
nil No highlighting. cursor Highlighting is cursor driven. mouse Highlighting is mouse driven. both Both cursor and mouse trigger highlighting.
Changing this variable requires to rebuild the selection and *toc* buffers to become effective (keys g or r).
means, make additional key bindings on startup. These
extra bindings are located in the users `C-c letter'
map. See section Default Keybindings.
, RefTeX
- supply labels in new sections and environments (flag 1) - supply arguments for macros like\label
(flag 2) - supply arguments for macros like\ref
(flag 3) - supply arguments for macros like\cite
(flag 4)
You may also set the variable itself to t or nil in order to turn all
options on or off, respectively.
Supplying labels in new sections and environments applies when creating
sections with C-c C-s and environments with C-c C-e.
Supplying macro arguments applies when you insert such a macro
interactively with C-c RET.
See the AUCTeX documentation for more information.
means, follow-mode will revisit files if necessary.
When nil, follow-mode will be suspended for stuff in unvisited files.
means, allow arguments of macros to be detached by
whitespace. When this is t
, the `aaa' in `\bbb
[xxx] {aaa}' will be considered an argument of \bb
. Note that
this will be the case even if \bb
is defined with zero or one
argument.RefTeX has the usual general keymap and load-- and mode-hook.
Furthermore, the 3 modes used for referencing labels, creating citations and for the table of contents buffer have their own keymaps and mode hooks. See the respective sections. There are many more hooks which are described in the relevant sections about options for a specific part of RefTeX.
Here is a list of recent changes to RefTeX.
Version 3.35
Version 3.36
for option reftex-auto-view-crossref
Version 3.38
no longer moves to find a macro. Point has
to be on the macro argument.
Version 3.41
Version 3.42
. Version 3.43
, \cite
, \bibitem
, \index
, variations of
these, and from BibTeX buffers.reftex-view-crossref-extra
which are dfined in the LaTeX KOMA-Script classes.reftex-default-bibliography
will be searched along
path.Jump to: * - ? - \ - a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - v - w - x
, \cite
, LaTeX macro
, AMS-LaTeX macro
, LaTeX macro
, \label
, \ref
, AMS-LaTeX environment
, AMS-LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, Emacs package
, newtheorem
, LaTeX environment
, Emacs package
, environment variable, BIBINPUTS
, environment variable
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX package
, citation style
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, AMS-LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, RefTeX site
, AMS-LaTeX environment
, citation style
, RefTeX home page
, Emacs package
, Emacs package
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, AMS-LaTeX environment
, citation style
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, AMS-LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, LaTeX environment
, environment variable
, environment variable
, LaTeX environment
, newtheorem
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX package
, LaTeX environment
, Emacs package
, AMS-LaTeX environment
, LaTeX package
, AMS-LaTeX environment
This document was generated on 6 November 2000 using texi2html 1.56k.