Theory Group: Research Activities
The following are outlines
of some of the currently active research areas
in the Theory Group of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory.
General relativistic radiative transfer
Radiative transfer is the study of the propagation of radiation
through vacuum space or a material medium,
subject to emission, absorption, scattering, polarisation conversion
and lensing effects.
We construct theoretical formulations for covariant radiative transfer,
generate images and calculate spectra of relativistic astronomical objects:
from the accretion disks/tori around supermassive black holes
to relativistic jets in active hearts of galaxies.
The study of radiative transport in strong gravity
— light shining through curved space-time —
is one of the special themes of our theoretical research.
Jets in active galactic nuclei
Active galactic nuclei are the most powerful continuous processes
in the known universe:
gas accreting into a supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy
causes intense luminosity
and the ejection of bipolar jets of plasma at relativistic velocities.
If unimpeded, these jets can penetrate hundreds of thousands of parsecs
into intergalactic space,
terminating in radio-bright lobes of plasma.
However, when the jets are obstructed and frustrated
by the gaseous medium within the galaxy,
a complicated “meteorology”
of shocks and line-emitting clouds can result.
Giant starbursts, like those thought to have borne the universe's first stars,
appear possible in some circumstances.
Mass range of black holes in the universe
Black holes come in different sizes.
Stellar-mass holes (remnants of collapsed stars)
and supermassive holes (in galactic nuclei)
have been knowns for three decades.
Is there a large mass gap between the two classes?
Are there intermediate-mass black holes?
If so, how could they form?
To find out, we study
the X-ray, radio and optical properties
of ultraluminous X-ray sources
which is a rare class of bright X-ray sources
in nearby galaxies probably containing an accreting intermediate-mass black
hole. We also investigate how black holes of different masses affect the
surrounding environment,
for example, through jets and outflows,
and how supermassive black holes formed in the early universe —
whether through the growth or mergering of intermediate-mass black holes.
Ultra-compact binary systems & gravitational wave sources
“Ultra-compact binaries” comprise a pair of compact stars
(white dwarfs or neutron stars)
in a very close orbit,
which can be smaller than the diameter of Jupiter
and with orbital periods of minutes.
They are the dominant stellar sources of persistent gravitational waves
in the sky, and will be among the first sources detected by the LISA
We develop models for ultra-compact binaries with spin-orbit coupling
via electro-magnetic interaction.
In particular, we propose the “electric star” model —
plasma in the binary magnetosphere carrying currents,
facilitiating energy and angular momentum redistribution in the system,
leading to modification in orbital evolution
and the gravitational waves emitted.
X-ray sources in external galaxies
Over the last few years, X-ray observations of nearby galaxies
at high-spatial resolution have revealed dozens of bright point-like
sources in each galaxy, spanning a large range of colors and luminosities.
They are a mixture of nuclear-burning white dwarfs, supernova remnants,
accreting neutron stars and black holes, and the still unexplained
“ultraluminous X-ray sources”.
We seek to classify different populations and understand
their physical nature.
We are developing models to explain
how the observed distribution of those various types of sources
depends on the global history and morphology of the host galaxy,
and how their brightness changes with time.
Accretion onto compact stars
Gaseous accretion occurs when a dense stellar remnant
(white dwarf, neutron star or black hole)
has a main sequence stellar companion in a sufficiently close orbit.
Gas is drawn off the companion
and falls onto the smaller, but more massive body.
The gravitational potential energy released during this infall
is converted to heat,
and the stream emits high-energy radiation,
which are observable from space astronomical observatories
such as the XMM-Newton and Chandra X-ray satellites.
We study the dynamics of these accretion process, the emitted radiation,
and effects on the stability and evolution of the binary system.
Dark energy
Dark energy is the most enigmatic content of the Universe.
Added by Einstein to his famous equations to obtain a static universe,
it was proved later that it does not fulfill this request
and indeed our Universe is not static.
Its existence and dominance in the energy content of the Universe
became evident only recently.
We study a class of candidate models for dark energy called
their possible relation with a decaying super heavy dark matter,
and in the frame of such models,
the particle physics of dark matter and dark energy.
Origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays
Observation of particle showers produced by the interaction of cosmic rays
in the atmosphere
has shown that their spectrum extends to extreme energies,
higher than
1020 eV.
This observation is quite unexpected
and a cutoff around
1019 eV
caused by interaction of nucleons with cosmic backgrounds was expected,
unless the sources of UHECR are close to the Galaxy.
We study the propagation of these particles
and some of the non-accelerating (topdown) models as their origin,
as well as the possibility of a relation between UHECR,
dark matter and dark energy.
We maintain an original parallelised gravitational N-body plus
hydrodynamical software package, GCD+.
GCD+ is a three-dimensional tree N-body/smoothed
particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code that incorporates self-gravity,
hydrodynamics, radiative cooling, star formation,
and supernova feedback,
to follow the chemical enrichment histories
of both the stars and gas.
Currently, we are improving modeling of
star formation and feedback from supernovae,
which are still highly ambiguous in galaxy formation simulations.
To this end,
we are simulating M33-like galaxies, and comparing them with the
recent multi-wavelength observations.
M33 is observed in detail in many bands,
which can clarify the detailed features of star forming regions and
their association with the disc structure, such as spiral arms.
Key observations include UV images with NASA Swift UVOT
(which was largely developed at MSSL,
where we have in-house data-reduction expertise).
These comarisons will provide a critical calibration
of our simulation models.
Stellar (left) and gas (right) density maps of a simulated galaxy
similar in size to M33.
We study how star formation
is associated with gas and stellar spiral patterns,
and how supernovae regulate and/or induce star formation in the disc.
This page last modified
13 May 2009
by theory@mssl.ucl.ac.uk

Photo © Mike Pearce