New Results in X-ray Astronomy 2019
Wednesday 4th September 2019
Scientific Programme
10:00 Registration & Coffee
10:25 Welcome and introduction
10:30 Session 1 - Chair: Graziella Branduardi-Raymont
10:30 Will Dunn - Jupiter's X-ray Aurora
10:45 Giulio Del Zanna - On the satellite lines in the X-rays
11:00 Junjie Mao - CIELO-RGS: a catalog of soft X-ray ionized emission lines
11:15 Santiago del Palacio - X-ray view of the extreme colliding-wind binary HD 93129A during periastron
11:30 Jiachen Jiang - High density reflection spectroscopy: disc density at different black hole mass scales
11:45 Break (15 mins)
12:00 Session 2 - Chair: Mat Page
Giulio Mancuso - Thermonuclear Burning on the
Neutron Star Surface: Studying the Transition Between Unstable and
Stable Burning Regimes
12:15 Nabil Brice - Modelling Pulsating Ultra Luminous X-ray Sources
12:30 Rajath Sathyaprakash - A new detection of pulsations from an old ULX
12:45 Rob Eyles - An unusual transient following GRB 071227
13:00 Rhaana Starling - The origin of ultra long gamma-ray bursts: GRB 121027A
13:15 Lunch (60 mins)
14:15 Session 3 - Chair: Ellis Owen
14:15 Ahlam Al'Qasim - A new method to determine X-ray
luminosity functions of AGN and their evolution with redshift
14:30 Adam Ingram - X-ray reverberation mass measurement of accreting black holes
14:45 William Alston – The deep X-ray view of a highly variable AGN
15:00 Stephen Hancock - X-ray reverberation in Active Galactic Nuclei: Modelling the extended corona
15:15 Jiachen Jiang – Multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of Sy1 1H 0419-577
15:30 Sam Grafton-Waters - Multiwavelength Campaign
on NGC 7469: Photoionisation modelling of the Emission Line Regions
15:45 Break (30 mins)
16:15 Session 4 - Chair: Myrto Symeonidis
16:15 Paul Giles - Galaxy cluster science with XCS and DES
16:30 David Turner - FCtrlA: Automated hydrostatic masses of XCS galaxy clusters
16:45 Keir Birchall - X-ray Selected AGN in Dwarf Galaxies
17:00 Beatriz Mingo - The shocking behaviour of 3C 15
17:15 Peter Boorman - Resolving X-ray Obscuration
Biases with Isotropic AGN Selection - First Results from the NuLANDS
Legacy Survey
17:30 Reception
Posters will be displayed in the meeting room.
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