EIS Science Notes

Wavelength Ranges

        Solar-B: Study of Potential Wavelength Ranges

        A report from RAL and Cambridge, June 1998.

        The following wavelength ranges were identified at the Solar-B EIS
        meeting on 3 June 1998:

                Range 1          170 -  210 A
                Range 2          240 -  290 A
                Range 3          308 -  381 A
                Range 4          517 -  633 A
                Range 5         1334 - 1428 A

        The current 'favoured' range is Range 2. 
        Ranges 3 and 4 are similar to the CDS NIS bands.
        Ranges 1 and 5 have been suggested as potentially useful.

        The following notes consider the merits and disadvantages of each range.

        *    A complete line list and intensities (CH, QS, AR, FL) for          * 
        *    each wavelength range, obtained from the CHIANTI package           * 
        *   are given on the RAL directory /disk2/mason/solarb_jun98/*.CH       *

        Range 1 - 170-210 A

        - OK for pre-launch calibration. The usual hollow cathode
                lines which would be available in or near this range are:

                169.5-175.6     Al III
                204.3-208.9     Ne IV

          Fairly good possibilities for in-flight calibration checks
          (see Landi et al. 1998, A&A, submitted -- GIS calibration).

        - Spectral range observed previously: 
                NRLA Flare spectrum - Dere, 1978, Ap. J., 221, 1062.
                     Flare (TR lines) - Widing, 1982, Ap. J., 
                SERTS AR spectrum - Thomas and Neupert, 1994, Ap. J., 91, 461.
                SERTS-95 AR spectrum - Brosius, Davila, Thomas, 1998, ApJ, submitted 
                CDS GIS1 spectrum -  Harrison et al. Solar Phys. 170, 123, 1997.

        - Contains a range of useful iron lines (+ a few weak O V and O VI)

                Below is a list of intensities (calculated from CHIANTI) 
                for QS, NeTe = 1e14. The units are erg/cm^2/s/st/A.
                Only I > 1e2 are given (plus O V, O VI).

                                       LogT   QS (I>1e2)

                171.07  Fe IX           5.9   1e3
                172.17  O V             5.4   2e1
                172.94  O VI            5.5   3e1
                173.08  O VI            5.5   6e1
                174.52  Fe X            6.0   7e2
                177.24  Fe X            6.0   4e2
                180.41  Fe XI           6.1   6e2
                183.94  O VI            5.5   2e1
                184.12  O VI            5.5   3e1    
                184.54  Fe X            6.0   1e2
                188.23  Fe XI           6.1   3e2
                188.30  Fe XI           6.1   1e2
                192.39  Fe XII          6.2   2e2
                192.75  O V             5.4   5e0
                192.80  O V             5.4   1e1
                192.90  O V             5.4   3e1   
                193.51  Fe XII          6.2   4e2
                195.12  Fe XII          6.2   6e2
                202.04  Fe XIII         6.2   1e3
                209.62  Fe XIII         6.2   2e2

        - Te coverage:

                The O V and O VI line are the only useful transition 
                region line and they are normally relatively weak.
                Their intensity would increase by an order of magnitude
                or more in QS and AR brightenings.

                The main temperature range is LogT = 5.9 to 6.2,
                with the addition of 5.4 to 5.5 if the O V, O VI
                lines are observable.

                This temperature coverage is not very good for coronal holes.

                The extension of the wavelength range down to 165 A would permit
                to include the Fe VIII lines (168.17, 168.55, 168.93) at LogT=5.7.

        - AR/Flare lines:

                Fe XXIV at 192.02 is expected to be strong.       

                Other flare/AR lines are Ca XVII (192.82), Fe XVII (204.65),
                Fe XX (171.68, 173.43, 201.01), Fe XXI (178.77, 180.84, 187.89), 
                Fe XXII (184.18), Fe XXIII (173.32 and 180.04).

                The extension of the wavelength range down to 165 A would include 
                the flare lines Ni XXVI (165.34) and Fe XXIII at 166.69 at 
                LogT=7.3 and 7.1 respectively.

        - Ne diagnostics:

                Examples of useful iron ions (plus others):

                                               Log Ne range
                        Fe X    175.27/174.52  (8 - 10)
                        Fe XI   179.76/181.14  (8 - 10)
                        Fe XII  186.87/193.51  (8 - 10)
                        Fe XIII 202.04/203.79  (8 - 10)
                        Fe XXI  187.89/178.77  (10 - 12)
                Thus, it seems that density measurements at coronal temperatures
                are well covered. Some of the lines are weak.

                There are some very, very weak O IV lines scattered over
                this wavelength range which have the potential of being
                density diagnostics (9 - 12). 

                Just outside the range, the ratio Fe XIV (211.32/219.13) 
                could be a useful line for density diagnostics (8 - 10).

                Fe XXI provides possibilities of density
                diagnostics in flares or nano-flares.

        - Abundance studies:

                There are some very, very weak NeV, NeVI lines, which are
                unlikely to ever be seen and no Mg TR lines. 
                There are no suitable Ne/Mg ratios for abundance determination.

                It might be possible to study the Ca/A and Ni/Fe ratios in AR
                and flares (Ni XIV, XV, XVI are visible in AR's). 

                The Fe/Si abundance could be studied if the wavelength
                range were extended to include Si IX (227.00).
                However both Fe and Si are low FIP elements. 

        - Velocity studies:

                The Fe IX line is isolated and very strong, so would be
                useful for velocity studies at coronal temperatures.
                Fe XXIV should be useful for flares.

        - Other comments:

                This wavelength range is deficient in TR lines.

                There are some very, very weak NeV, NeVI lines, which are
                unlikely to ever be seen and no Mg TR lines. 
                There are no suitable Ne/Mg ratios for abundance determination.

                Coverage at coronal/AR/flare temperatures is excellent. 

        Range 2 - 240-290 A

        - Not bad for pre-launch calibration. The usual hollow cathode
                lines which would be available in or near this range are:

                267.1-267.7     Ne III
                282.5-283.9     Ne III

          Not very good possibilities for in-flight calibration, due to the 
          lack of density insensitive line pairs spanning the whole wavelength
          range (see Landi et al. 1998, A&A, submitted -- GIS calibration).

        - Contains a range of useful lines, mainly iron, silicon, sulfur,
                and magnesium, see previous observations:

                NRLA Flare spectrum - Dere, 1978, Ap. J., 221, 1062.
                     Flare (TR lines) - Widing, 1982, Ap. J., 
                SERTS AR spectrum - Thomas and Neupert, 1994, Ap. J., 91, 461.
                CDS GIS2 spectrum -  Harrison et al. Solar Phys. 170, 123, 1997.

                Below is a list of intensities (calculated from CHIANTI) 
                for QS, NeTe = 1e14. The units are erg/cm^2/s/st/A.
                Only I > 1e1 are given (plus Mg V, Ne V, Fe XVI).

                                       LogT  QS (I>1e1)

                240.70  Fe XIII         6.2   4e1   
                241.75  Fe IX           5.9   4e1
                242.85  S XI            6.2   2e1
                243.03  He II           4.7   2e1
                243.79  Fe XV           6.3   5e1
                244.92  Fe IX           5.9   2e1
                246.00  Si VI           5.5   3e1
                246.21  Fe XIII         6.2   9e1
                248.46  O V             5.4   4e1
                249.12  Si VI           5.5   2e1 
                249.18  Ni XVII         6.4   1e1
                251.07  Fe XVI          6.3   1e1
                251.96  Fe XIII         6.2   2e2
                252.20  Fe XIV          6.2   3e1
                253.79  Si X            6.1   2e1
                256.20  Fe X            6.0   6e1
                256.32  He II           4.7   7e1
                256.38  Si X            6.1   7e1
                256.42  Fe XIII         6.2   2e1
                256.68  S XIII          6.4   1e2   
                257.15  S X             6.1   4e1
                257.29  Fe X            6.0   1e1
                257.38  Fe XIV          6.2   1e2
                258.37  Si X            6.1   9e1
                259.50  S X             6.1   8e1
                261.05  Si X            6.1   7e1 
                262.98  Fe XVI          6.3   2e1
                264.23  S X             6.1   1e2
                264.78  Fe XIV          6.2   1e2
                265.02  Fe XVI          6.3   2e0
                270.00  Mg VI           5.6   1e1
                270.40  Mg VI           5.6   2e1
                270.51  Fe XIV          6.2   1e2
                271.99  Si X            6.1   5e1
                272.64  Si VII          5.8   1e1
                274.21  Fe XIV          6.2   1e2
                275.35  Si VII          5.7   6e1  
                276.58  Mg V            5.5   7e0
                277.03  Mg VII/Si VIII  5.8   2e1
                277.26  Si X            6.1   4e1   
                278.02  Ne V            5.5   1e0 
                278.40  Mg VII/Si VII   5.8   4e1
                281.40  S XI            6.2   6e1
                284.16  Fe XV           6.3   8e2
                285.58  S XI            6.2   3e1
                288.43  S XII           6.3   4e1

        - Te coverage:

                The temperature range is very healthy, LogT = 4.7 to 6.4, the lowest
                temperatures being provided by He II 243 (4.7), O V 248 (5.4),
                Mg V 276 (5.5), Mg VI 270 (5.7), Si VII 275 (5.7), Mg VII 278 (5.8)
                and a bunch of lines in the 5.9-6.0 region. Much depends on the
                intensity of these lines - the Si VII 275, Mg VII 278 and He II
                243 lines should be bright enough, but we also need the O V or Mg V
                lines. The CDS GIS2 range starts at 256 A allowing us to check on
                the Mg V and Mg VI lines.

        - AR/flare lines:

                Fe XXIII (263.76) and Fe XXIV (255.10) are strong
                in solar flares. 

                The other flare-like lines of Fe XVII (254.87), Fe XX (232.89),
                Fe XXI (242.07, 246.99, 270.57), Fe XXII (247.16, 253.16),
                Ni XXIV (264.83) should also be observable. There are some 
                weak lines from Ca XVII (244.06).

                At slightly longer wavelengths, Ni XVIII (291.98) 
                would be useful.

                At shorter wavelengths the strong  Ni XXVI (233.76) and Ni XXV (238.82) 
                lines would be covered, also the weaker Ni XVIII (233.76, 236.34) 
                and Ca XVII (232.83, 238.31) lines. 

        - Ne diagnostic lines:

                possibilities for Ne diagnostics:

                                              Log Ne range 
                        Mg VI   268.99/270.39  (Ne < 8.5)
                        Mg VII  280.74/278.40  (7 - 10)
                        Si X    261.06/258.37  (8 - 10)
                        S XI    246.89/281.44  (7 - 10)
                        Fe XIV  264.80/274.20  (8 - 10)
                        Fe XXII 235.17/247.19  (Ne > 11.5)

                If the wavelength range were increased to 300 A, the following
                density diagnostics would also be available:

                        Si IX   258.10/any 290,292,296 
                        Fe XII  291.05/258.43
                        S XII   288.40/299.52
                The Ne diagnostics cover several coronal lines and 
                one transition region pair.

        - Abundance studies:

                The is a good range of elements for abundance studies

        - Velocity studies:                                                            

              Fe XV 284 could be useful for velocity studies.    

        - Other comments:

                The lines in this wavelength range are weaker than 170-210A.
                There is a good temperature coverage, including TR and  
                flare lines, with some density diagnostic capability.
                Good possibilities of element abundance studies. 

        Range 3 -  308-381 A

        - The hollow cathode calibration lines from Ne III allow a measure
                at either end of the range, but there is nothing in the
                middle. This could be covered by invariant ratios. So, the
                calibration should be OK. The usual hollow cathode
                lines which would be available in or near this range are:

                308.6           Ne III
                313.1-313.9     Ne III
                379.3           Ne III

                Good possibilities for in-flight intensity calibration checks.
                (see Landi et al. Solar Physics 1997, 175, 553)

        - The line list is given in Table 4.3 of the CDS Blue Book (Version
                6, August 1995). It is the NIS1 range of CDS. It contains a
                range of iron, magnesium and silicon lines. See also
                R.A. Harrison et al. Solar Phys. 170, 123, 1997.
                SERTS AR spectrum - Thomas and Neupert, 1994, Ap. J., 91, 461.

        - Te range:

                The temperature range of the brighter lines in this band, i.e.
                in table III of Harrison et al. (1997) is LogT = 5.9 to 6.3.
                There are 'cooler' lines such as Mg V (353.1 A), Mg VI (349.2 A), 
                Mg VII (367.7 A), Ne V (359.3 A) and O III (373-374 A) 
                but they are weak, they are seen in transition region brightenings.

        - AR/Flare line:

                The flare-like lines of Fe XXI 335.9 A and Fe XXII 349.3 A lie
                in the range. The Ni XVIII 320.6 is visible in active regions. 

        - Ne diagnostics:   

                Density diagnostics:

                                      Log Ne range
                Mg VIII 315.0/317.0     (7 - 9)
                Si IX   349.9/345.1     (7 - 9)
                Si X    356.0/347.4     (8 - 10)
                Fe XII  338.3/364.5     (9 - 12)
                Fe XIII 359.7/348.2     (8 - 11)
                Fe XIV  353.8/334.2     (9 - 11)
                Fe XV   321.8/327.0     (9 - 11)

        Abundance Studies:

                Reasonable range of elements.

        Velocity Studies:

                No obvious candidates, several possibilities.

        Further comments:   

                The power of this range lies in the number of density
                diagnostics and the detailed temperature coverage of the
                corona (particularly 5.8 < log T < 6.5). The main disadvantage
                is the lack of any strong transition region lines. For CDS
                this problem was solved by simultaneously observing the 517 -
                633 A band (Range 4 - see below), which contains many strong
                transition region lines.

        Range 4 -  517-633 A

        - The hollow cathode calibration lines for this band are:

                537.00          He I
                584.3           He I

                These two are well separated so it is workable.

                Not very good possibilities of in-flight intensity calibration
                checks (see Landi et al. Solar Physics 1997, 175, 553)

        - The line list is given in Table 4.4 of the CDS Blue Book. Again, it
                is the NIS2 range of CDS. See also the Solar Physics paper.

        - Te coverage:

                The temperature of the brighter lines of this range (Table
                II of Harrison et al. 1997) is logT = 4.3 to 6.3, with a
                good spread (4.3, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0,
                6.2, 6.3). Indeed, this is a superb spread of temperatures for
                a set of bright lines in one band!

        - AR/Flare lines: 

                The flare-like lines of Fe XIX 592.1 and Fe XXI 587.9 become
                strong at high temperatures. Two lines of Fe XX are also
                expected but have uncertain theoretical wavelengths.

        - Ne diagnostics:   

                Density diagnostics:

                                      Log Ne range
                O IV    625.9/554.5     (9 - 12)

                If second order lines have significant intensity in this
                wavelength range, then it may be possible to use the following

                                      Log Ne range

                S XII   299.5/288.4     (9 - 11)
                Fe XIV  264.8/274.2     (9 - 11)

        - Velocity Studies:

                There are some good, isolated lines for velocity studies,
                O V (629.7) being an obvious example.

        - Further comments:  

                This region has excellent temperature coverage, but very few
                density diagnostics. It is a useful spectral region for
                studying the dynamics of the corona and transition region.

        Range 5 - 1334-1428 A

        - Intensity calibration??

        It is intended to cover 1334-1428 A (1st order), 667-714 (2nd order)
        There is a paper by Feldman et al (1997), Ap. J. ???

                This range was covered by SUMER.

                Below is a list of intensities (calculated from CHIANTI) 
                for QS, NeTe = 1e14. The units are erg/cm^2/s/st/A.
                Only I > 1e0 are given.

        First Order: 

           1334.52  C II     4.3    1e3                
           1335.66  C II     4.3    2e2                
           1335.71  C II     4.3    2e3                
           1343.51  O IV     5.2    1e0                        
           1349.38  Fe XII   6.2    1e0                                            
           1371.29  O V      5.4    7e0                             
           1393.76  Si IV    4.8    3e2                             
           1397.23  O IV     5.2    1e1                     
           1399.78  O IV     5.2    2e1                     
           1401.16  O IV     5.2    1e2                     
           1402.77  Si IV    4.8    1e2                             
           1404.80  S IV     5.0    2e0                     
           1404.81  O IV     5.2    9e1                     
           1406.02  S IV     5.0    1e1                      
           1407.38  O IV     5.2    2e1                     
           1412.84  Fe II    4.2    1e0            
           1416.90  S IV     5.0    6e0                     
           1417.23  Si III   4.5    1e0                             
           1423.83  S IV     5.0    1e0                     
           1424.72  Fe II    4.2    1e0            

        Second Order: (* ID by Feldman et al, not yet in CHIANTI)

           667.735  Fe XI   6.1     1e0          
           671.015  N II    4.4     2e0               
           671.385  N II    4.4     6e0               
           671.410  N II    4.4     1e0               
           671.629  N II    4.4     1e0             
           671.772  N II    4.4     1e0               
           672.000  N II    4.4     1e0
           681.72   *Na IX               
           684.998  N III   4.9     2e1               
           685.515  N III   4.9     5e1               
           685.817  N III   4.9     1e2               
           686.336  N III   4.9     2e1               
           690.519  C III   4.8     1e1                       
           691.193  N III   4.9     2e0               
           691.396  N III   4.9     1e0               
           692.731  Si IX   6.0     1e0          
           694.14   *Na IX         
           696.622  S V     5.2     3e0                    
           700.245  Ar VIII 5.6     5e0                       
           702.332  O III   5.0     8e1                   
           702.821  O III   5.0     7e1                    
           702.891  O III   5.0     6e1                   
           702.897  O III   5.0     9e1                    
           703.848  O III   5.0     9e1                   
           703.854  O III   5.0     3e2                   
           706.060  Mg IX   6.0     4e0                      
           712.671  S VI    5.3     1e0                     
           713.812  Ar VIII 5.6     2e0                       

        - Te coverage:

           Good low temperatiure TR lines (4.2 - 6.0), but very poor coverage 
           of coronal temperatures. Fe XII is the only coronal line
           (1st order) and this can only usually be observed on the limb.  
           There are some other coronal lines (around 10^6K) in 2nd order.
           Feldman identified these in SUMER spectra.   

        - Flare lines:

           The only flare line which is observable in this wavelength range is
           Fe XXI (1354.1). 

        - Ne diagnostics:

          The O IV lines around 1400 provide opportunities for Ne
          deterination, however S IV and second order lines (O III) 
          can be problematic.

        - Velocity studies:

          One of the major advantages of going to longer wavelengths
          is the opportunity to measure line profiles. However, care
          must be taken with weak lines and second order blends.

        - Further comments:

          Temperautre coverage above 10^6K is poor.
          This wavelength range is excellent for line profile studies.
          It is also good for opacity studies. 


        Range 1 - OK for calibration lines; good coronal diagnostics.
                        Poor temperature range; weak transition region lines.

        Range 2 - OK for calibration; reasonable temperature range, with
                        some transition region coverage; Some coronal
                        and TR density capability. 

        Range 3 - OK for calibration; superb for coronal temperatures and
                        coronal density diagnostics; not very good for the
                        transition region.

        Range 4 - OK for calibration; wonderful temperature coverage; 
                        very poor density capabilities. 
                        WOULD PUT THIS AS THE SECOND BEST FOR EIS,
                        because of temperature coverage.

        Range 5 - OK for calibration? Poor high temperature coverage,      
                        but excellent for TR studies; spectral line profiles.

EIS Applications

Network Dynamics Richard Harrison
Active Region Cool Loop Dynamics Louise Harra-Murnion
Coronal Holes Len Culhane
Particle Acceleration Issues George Simnett
Flares - Mass Motions in Coronal Lines Peter Cargill
Flares - Reconnection inflow/outflow Peter Cargill/Saku Tsuneta
Flares - Plasma Dynamics/evaporation Len Culhane
Flares - Non-thermal Line Broadening Louise Harra-Murnion
Abundance Anomalies Helen Mason
CMEs - Role of Reconnection in the Onset Richard Harrison
Diffuse Corona - Streamer Dynamics Len Culhane
Loop Heating [Eric Priest] [Suggestion for Eric by JLC]

Coronal Mass Ejection Onset
(followed by)
Dynamic Events in the Network

        Author:         Richard Harrison (RAL)

                The CME onset eludes our detailed understanding;
                we have many models but lack detailed observation of the CME source
                region at the time of a CME onset. This is partly due to the fact that
                coronagraphs actually occult the onsets of the CMEs they observe! In
                addition, since coronagraphs (i.e. CME observations) are tuned to the
                plane of the sky, the source regions are near the solar limb. Such 
                regions are very difficult to observe because of foreshortening and
                occultation by the limb itself. Even if the source regions are observed
                at the time of a CME onset, to obtain detailed diagnostic information
                of the CME onset process one requires plasma diagnostic information
                (density, temperature, velocity) on spatial and temporal scales of
                about a few arcsec and less than a few minutes, over a region of at 
                least several arcminutes by several arcminutes. A good range of
                temperatures must be observed because the eruption processes include
                both chromspheric and coronal plasma. Supporting coronagraph (to
                identify CME) and ground-based (to see any prominence/filament eruption)
                would be essential. The bottom line is that a spectrometer in the EUV is
                required. This is an activity being performed using the CDS instrument
                on SOHO. Whilst much headway may be made using the CDS observations,
                the fine-scale flow patterns witnessed in prominences and the desire to
                image over large areas with cadances of minutes are beyond the
                capability of CDS. Thus, we anticipate great rewards from a close
                investigation of CME onsets using EIS and the Solar-B payload.

        Study Details:

        Raster Area:            4x4 arcmin      (* as large an area as is practical)
        Raster Step:            2 arcsec
        Raster Locations:       120
        Exposure Time:          1 sec.          (*Assuming a CDS count of 10 per sec
                                                for the weakest line and an EIS 
                                                sensitivity 10x CDS and a desire
                                                for 10% counting stats).
        Duration of Raster:     1x120 = 2 min.  
        Number of Rasters:      Open, but ideally should monitor region
                                for many hours each day as it aproaches limb.

        Line Selection:         Range of temperatures using bright lines to
                                keep raster repeat times low. Ensure they are
                                well separated to reduce blends and enable
                                good velocity studies. Also, some
                                density capability. e.g. He II 243.03 (256 is
                                blended), Mg VII 278.41, 280.74, Si VII 275.38,
                                Fe IX 244.92, Fe XIII 251.94, Fe XIV 264.78,
                                274.20,  Fe XV 284.16, Fe XVI 262.98 (10 lines).

        Bins Across Line:       25              (* To cover about +/- 250 km/s).

        Telemetry/Compression:  10 lines x 25 bins x 120 bins x 12 bits(?)
                                = 360,000 bits per exposure. At 64 kb/s would take 
                                5.63s. Require compression factor of about 5. 
                                                (*Assumes we take the slit only,
                                                not the wider parts of the dumbell).

        Solar Feature Tracking: Not required (near to limb)

        Supporting Observations:
                                The EUV observations cannot identify a CME so we
                                require coronagraph support. In addition, the events
                                are undoubtedlt magnetic in nature so detailed magnetic
                                mapping would be ideal. Also, the EUV spectroscopy
                                can only monitor a relatively small region; a larger
                                area coronal mapper/imager wouldbe useful. So the
                                supporting devices would be:

                                - Coronagraph (to identify CME!)
                                - Magnetic Mapping of source region (Solar-B)
                                - Context Mapping of Coronal Structures (Solar-B)

        What is New?
                                The temporal capability of EIS combined with
                                the ability to map flows of the EUV plasmas
                                provides a new approach to this important problem.

                - The basic driver is a large area, quick raster in a number of
                emission lines over a good range of temperatures with some density

                - The line selection contains a transition region and coronal density
                diagnostic, but the weaker Mg VII line is rather weak. However,
                summing successive rasters to obtain reasonable counts in the
                weakest lines may be a useful approach.

                - The observation assumes that we can select data from the slit
                only and not the slots.



        Title:          DYNAMIC EVENTS IN THE NETWORK
        Author:         Richard Harrison (RAL)

                Coronal heating and solar wind acceleration are ultimately powered
                by the kinetic energy of the convection layers. Magnetic fields
                carried in the convection cells migrate to the cell boundaries
                (the network) and the combination of flux concentrations and
                newly merging flux in these regions probably drives magnetic
                transient events which provide the acceleration and heating
                processes. If this picture is true, the resulting, globally
                distributed 'disease' of mini-exposive events may hold the
                key to coronal heating and solar wind acceleration mechanisms.
                SOHO has been used to observe transient events in the network
                which fit this picture, i.e. the CDS blinkers and the
                SUMER explosive events. The former are EUV flashes especially
                in the few hundred thousand K region lasting typically 10 minutes,
                with about 3000 distributed over the disc at eny time. No
                significant velocities are associated with these events. However,
                the explosive events are UV velocity events seen in the network,
                maybe 30,000 on the Sun at any time, with speeds of up to 150 km/s.
                The two classes of network transient events maybe related.
                In addition to this relationship, we need to invesigate further
                the effects of these events in the corona and the related magnetic
                activity in the regions below. The superior EUV spectral resolution
                and temporal resolution (afforded by the better sensitivity) would
                allow EIS to take sigificant steps beyond the initial studies
                made using CDS. The basic requirement is temporal resolutions
                of under a minute over rastered areas of several tens of arcsec
                (larger than a cell), with good temperature coverage.

        Study Details:

        Raster Area:            1x1 arcmin
        Raster Step:            2 arcsec
        Raster Locations:       30
        Exposure Time:          1 sec.          (*Assuming a CDS count of 10 per sec
                                                for the weakest line and an EIS 
                                                sensitivity 10x CDS and a desire
                                                for 10% counting stats).
        Duration of Raster:     1x30 = 30 sec.  
        Number of Rasters:      Minimum 500 (= 250 min)

        Line Selection:         Range of temperatures using bright lines to
                                keep raster repeat times low. Ensure they are
                                well separated to reduce blends and enable
                                good velocity studies. Also, some
                                density capability. e.g. He II 243.03 (256 is
                                blended), Mg VII 278.41, 280.74,
                                Fe IX 244.92, Fe XIII 251.94, Fe XIV 264.78,
                                274.20, Fe XVI 262.98 (8 lines).

        Bins Across Line:       25              (* To cover about +/- 250 km/s).

        Telemetry/Compression:  8 lines x 25 bins x 120 bins x 12 bits(?)
                                = 288,000 bits per exposure. At 64 kb/s would take 
                                4.5s. Require compression factor of 4.5. 
                                                (*Assumes we take the slit only,
                                                not the wider parts of the dumbell).

        Solar Feature Tracking: YES     (* Must be able to make steps of less
                                        than pixel size to avoid jumpy movies).

        Supporting Observations:
                                - Magnetic Mapping of source region (Solar-B)
                                - Context Mapping of Coronal Structures (Solar-B)

        What is New?
                                The temporal capability of EIS combined with
                                the ability to map flows of the EUV plasmas
                                provides a new approach to this important problem.

                - The basic driver is a quick raster on quiet Sun in a number of
                emission lines over a good range of temperatures with some density

                - The line selection contains a transition region and coronal density
                diagnostic, but the weaker Mg VII line is rather weak. However,
                summing successive rasters to obtain reasonable counts in the
                weakest lines may be a useful approach.

                - The observation assumes that we can select data from the slit
                only and not the slots.


        Questions Relating to EIS Performance from these Studies

        - For these two Studies I would want to use the slit, not the slots.
                Thus, rather than waste telemetry, I would select on the
                pixels covered by the slit data. I assume that this is no

        - I have assume a 'final' full instrument sensitivity something
                like 10x CDS. CDS has the two reflections off the telescope,
                the scan mirror and the grating, as well as the detector
                efficiency to worry about. EIS has the off-axis mirror,
                the grating and detector. I think I remember quotes of
                about 5-20x better than CDS. The count rates and, thus,
                exposure times will depend on this.

        - I have assumed that solar feature tracking is an option, using
                the mirror mechanism. It would be nice if such a system
                had step sizes less than the pixel sizes to avoid
                jumpy movies. For the CDS smaller rasters this is
                particularly obvious. I guess pointing should be automatically
                updated between rasters.

        - The two studies need a compression of order 5 to avoid the telemetry
                driving the raster frequency.

        - I have assumed a 2 arcsec slit and 2 arcsec steps in the rasters.

        - I have assumed a 21 mA pixel size in the wavelength range.

        - Other notes are given in the two Studies.

Active Region Cool Loop Dynamics

        From: lkhm@msslac.mssl.ucl.ac.uk
        Subject: Cool loops
        Date: Thu, 09 Jul 98 16:33:19 +0100

        Cool Loop Dynamics

        Scientific Justification:

        Recent results from CDS on SoHO and TRACE have confirmed the existence of
        a separate class of loop system to the more familiar hot coronal loops -
        that of cool 'transition region' loop systems. The cool loops exist as high
        as the hot coronal loops but behave very differently.The differences are
        summarised as follows;

        1) There are fewer cool loops than hot loops
        2) The cool loops are more sharply defined
        3) There is no 'diffuse' cool component
        4) Cool loops are extremely dynamic

        The heating mechanism involved in the cool loop is different to that in the
        hot loops. CDS has identified the loop structures but to understand them
        further we must have higher time resolution (the limit on CDS imaging
        for this type of observation was approx 10-15 mins), and we must be able
        to observe the flows in the photosphere using OT, and then relating
        that to what is happening in the cool loops. Measurements of line broadening
        have been used to try and understand the heating mechanism in the corona.
        To pinpoint the heating mechanism we need to understand the non-thermal
        line broadening. There are some hints that the higher non-thermal velocities
        in the transition region are merely due to multi-directional flows.

        Line Selection: He II, Mg VII, Si VII, Fe XIII, Fe XVI

        Pointing: Active region (once at the limb and once in disk center)

        Number of exposures: Run for approximately 2 hrs in each location

        The time duration of each observation should be minimised.
        The minimum observing region should be 2 X 2 arcmins. The optical telescope
        is necessary to observe the motions in the photosphere below the hot
        and cool loops to search for different types of motions which produce
        the dramtically different loop systems. 


        What's new?

        Fast temporal resolution alongwith good spectral resolution for
        the line broadening measurements.

Emerging Flux - Coronal Response

        Title:          EMERGING FLUX -- CORONAL RESPONSE
        Author:         Peter Cargill (ICSTM)

                While the role that emerging photospheric flux plays in driving
                coronal processes is widely accepted, recent observations
                from the HAO/ASP, Hawaii magnetographs and SOHO/MDI have
                in fact revolutionised this field. The ground based instruments
                has indicated that flux can emerge in an already-twisted state,
                so that free energy is already available to power dynamic
                phenomena while MDI has shown the remarkable fact that flux
                is recycled roughly every 72 hours. Given this, flux emergence
                is likely to be a prime target for the Solar-B optical telescope.
                Given the pivotal role flux emergence plays, it is essential
                that its effect on the upper solar atmosphere be measured in
                conjunction with its emergence. In particular, it is essential
                to pin down the role that magnetic reconnection plays in the
                interaction of new flux with pre-existing coronal field.
                The best characterisation of magnetic reconnection are associated
                plasma motions and these are best measured by obtaining spectra
                of a few carefully chosen lines. The temperature choice is critical
                for this observing sequence, since we expect the temperature
                attained in reconnection to depend on the magnetic field strengths,
                where the reconnection takes place, and how fast the new flux is
                emerging. It is probably preferable to have better coverage at
                transition region temperatures, but some trial and error will
                be required to obtain the correct lines. Thus this run will
                probably need to be repeated. It is anticipated that such a
                sequence would have the optical telescope picking on a likely
                region for flux emergence, and staring at it for as long as is
                practical. We probably want a smaller FOV than OPT to get time
                resolution so will need advice on where to point.
                Probably want slot for context.

                6 - 8 lines covering TZ and corona. He II, OV (if strong 
                enough), some of coronal Fe lines. Maybe a flare line in
                case there is strong heating. Raster area should be only
                part of FOV -- 1x1 arcmin say. With 1 sec exposure times
                (see RAH's entries for arguments for this) can get 30
                second raster duration, about same as resolution of 
                optical telecsope. Velocity coverage -- +/- 300 k/s
                is probably a good start, though this can be increased
                if required. Need slot for context. Again, similar
                resolution to OPT will do as a start.

                This sequence requires very close coordination with OPT.
                XRT probably less necessary, but no harm in having it.

        What's new:
                The ability to observe flows in the transition
                region and corona in response to well-resolved
                observations of newly emerging flux

Flares - Mass Motions in Coronal Lines

        Author:         Peter Cargill (ICSTM)

                Solar flare energy release is believed to involve coronal
                energy release and subsequent energy transport to the
                photosphere. The photospheric response, a massive expansion
                of heated plasma into the corona, is generally referred
                to as chromospheric evaporation. The phenomenon was first
                detected by SMM and P78-1, but with no spatial resolution.
                The BCS instrument on Yohkoh has observed numerous cases of
                blue-shifted plasma, but of course did not have any
                spatial resolution. Solar-B provides the first opportunity
                to infer the location of these mass motions. In addition
                to blue shifts, line broadening has also been observed
                in coronal lines during flares. It has been suggested
                that this is turbulence associated with coronal reconnection
                and as such could be responsible for coronal particle
                acceleration. An observing sequence must scan a wide
                area and do so quickly. The problem is that flares
                tend to occur in a variety of places. The best bet
                is probably to make this part of a sequence where SOT
                studies a likely looking active region. The velocities
                inferred in these phenomena are quite large, so a
                large number of bins should be used. Unfortunately I
                don't see a way around a large raster area since flare
                loops can be quite long and we don't want to miss the
                action. So I suggest same FOV as SOT. Can we get exposure
                time < 1 sec? Are the lines strong?

                Fe Flare lines (XXI and XXIII) are esential. Cooler coronal
                line and TZ line to see depth of heating in upper chromosphere.
                Density diagnostics would be nice, but appear to be restricted
                to cooler plasma, so probably not worth it. Need many bins
                in each line since we probably need to worry about velocities
                up to say 800 k/s. FOV is a problem. We probably want maximum
                in both slit and slot to be sure to catch loop footpoints. But
                this is a problem for the time resolution and needs some thought.

                Coordination with OPT and XRT essential.
        What's new:
                First spatial determination of evaporation and turbulence in flares.

Flares - Coronal Reconnection

        Title:          FLARES -- CORONAL RECONNECTION 
        Author:         Peter Cargill (ICSTM) and Saku Tsuneta  
                Since Petschek proposed his famous mechanism in 1964, magnetic 
                reconnection has been seen as a viable mechanism for solar
                flare energy release. However, it was not until the launch of 
                Yohkoh that good evidence for reconnection in the corona was 
                obtained from the SXT and HXT instruments. Even so, the Yohkoh 
                results could not produce the essential evidence for reconnection 
                namely the appropriate mass motions. The reconnection process 
                involves the conversion of magnetic energy into thermal and 
                kinetic energy, in perhaps roughly equal parts. In addition, 
                reconnection involves the flow of cool, unreconnected plasma 
                into the reconnection site. Thus, spectral lines in the appropriate 
                temperature ranges should be Doppler shifted. EIS provides the 
                first opportunity to observe explicitly such motions. This 
                is in fact quite a difficult observing sequence to construct. 
                The inflow into the reconnection site is likely to be parallel 
                to the surface of the Sun, while the high speed outflow is 
                directed either downward or upward. So one would appear to 
                be restricted to observing one or the other, though tilting of 
                the reconnection site could alleviate this. The inflows would 
                be best observed on the limb and the outflows on the disk. 
                The latter could thus be combined with the previous entry 
                on evaporation. 
                Reconnection outflows are expected to be hot, thus require the 
                Fe XXI and XXIII lines. There is no harm in including a couple 
                of cooler Fe lines, but TZ lines would not appear to be useful. 
                For spectral resolution, we would need to measure up to  
                1000 k/s, so perhaps 100 bins are needed.  For the inflows, a  
                range of coronal lines (Fe IX - XVI) would work. Density  
                diagnostics would be nice and this could be done with some of the  
                Fe lines. The velocties expected are smaller than in the outflow 
                region, so +/- 250 k/s would work. The FOV is a problem, 
                since we want a large one in order not to miss the flare, 
                but a high time resolution in order not to miss the peak 
                of the reconnection. For context, we could probably use 
                XRT rather than the slot.  
                Disk campaign for reconnection outflows would be in 
                collaboration with OTP and XRT 
                Limb campaign would involve only XRT, with OPT giving 
                advice on likely-looking regions for a flare. 
        What's new: 
                The first accurate observations of mass flows associated 
                with reconnection in flares. First estimate of reconnection 
                rates in flares. 

Flares - Non-thermal Line Broadening

        From: lkhm@msslac.mssl.ucl.ac.uk
        Subject: Line Broadening
        Date: Thu, 09 Jul 98 16:35:07 +0100

        Flares - Non-thermal Line Broadening

        Scientific Justification:

        Using the data from the Yohkoh spacecraft we have been able to
        increase our understanding of the various mechanisms involved in solar
        flares. The time behaviour of the hard X-ray bursts (which is traditionally 
        viewed as the flare start) and the turbulence (as measured from excess 
        spectral line broadening) was analysed. Interestingly, it was 
        found that the peak of the turbulence occurred well before the peak of the hard
        X-rays (Alexander et al, 1998). 
        Since turbulence occurs before the start of the flare 
        this requires a major reassessment of what is actually triggering
        solar flares. Also, small flares occur more frequently than their larger 
        counter-parts. We found that the turbulence of these small flares 
        was surprisingly as large as that previously found in  major flares 
        (Harra-Murnion et al., 1997).  This suggests that the flare trigger is the 
        same in flares irrespective of their magnitude. The BCS onboard Yohkoh
        has provided us with many clues to the understanding of the solar flare
        trigger. However the major drawback is that it is a full Sun instrument
        with no spatial resolution. Efforts have been made to search for the 
        region of highest turbulence by using the limb to occult the footpoints of
        the flaring loops (Khan et al, 1995, Mariska et al, 1996). The results
        were not conclusive. 


        Line selection: concentrate on the higher temperature lines initially - then
        try a do a  similar study for the cooler lines as well. 

        Pointing: Flaring active region

        Number of exposures: as many as necessary to follow the preflare, impulsive
        and gradual phase of the flare

        As with Peter's mass motion study the information from the optical telescope
        is crucial to follow the photospheric motions. The OT could also be used
        to determine a suitable region to observe. The XRT should be used especially
        if there is an overlap in the one of the lines used. 

        Another possibility is alternating between the slit and the slot at the same
        location (a nodding motion) so that spatial and spectral info could be
        obtained quickly and hence reduce the need for the large rastering???

        What's new?

        The main issue is that this will provide the first opportunity to observe flares
        with spatially resolved spectral information - hence the possibility to
        resolve the location of energy release.

Abundance Anomalies


        The exact specifications of the EIS have not been finalised at the
        time of writing (29-Jun-98) and so this document discusses necessary
        conditions for investigations of the FIP effect.

        The FIP Effect

        Spectroscopic observations of the solar atmosphere, together with in
        situ measurements of the solar wind have revealed that element
        abundances often deviate from their values in the photosphere. A
        common feature of such abundance anomalies is that elements with a
        high first ionisation potential (FIP) are underabundant relative to
        those with a low FIP, although the magnitude of the discrepancy varies
        from feature-to-feature on the Sun. A useful summary of spectroscopic
        studies of the FIP effect is presented in Feldman (1992).

        Instrument Requirements 

        The key requirement, in terms of studying abundance anomalies, is that
        the wavelength range that will be used for EIS contains emission lines
        of both low and high FIP elements that have some overlap in

        A secondary requirement is that a range of consecutive ions of low and
        high FIP ions are observed, to help minimise errors in the atomic data.

        As an example, the Normal Incidence Spectrometer (NIS) of CDS/SOHO
        observed lines of Ne IV - VII and Mg V - X (where neon is a high FIP
        element and magnesium a low FIP element), for which there is
        significant overlap in temperature around logT = 5.4 - 5.7. See, for
        example, Fig.5 of Young & Mason (1998).

        One difficulty in studying element abundances is that low FIP ions
        give rise to many strong lines at temperatures logT > 5.7, but few
        below this temperature, whereas the opposite is true for high FIP
        ions. Two high FIP elements that do give rise to EUV lines at coronal
        temperatures are argon and sulphur, but the lines are often rather
        weak and so high instrument sensitivity and spectral resolution are
        required to measure these lines accurately.


        Feldman U. (1992). Physica Scripta 46, 202.

        Young P.R. & Mason H.E. (1998). Proceedings of the ISSI workshop
        `Solar Composition and its Evolution - from Core to Corona'.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at mwt@mssl.ucl.ac.uk