XMM RPS Users' Manual

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Moving up in XRPS

There are no buttons on low-level pages leading the user back up to a level above. Instead, the entries in the navigation tree in the left-hand frame (Fig. 7) should be used. In case no change is required on a page that has been opened, using the navigation tool on the left-hand side allows users to proceed to another XRPS page.

Figure 7: Screen shot of the XRPS navigation tree. Observations are entered as directories carrying the first 8 characters of the object name. Each exposure is identified by a running index within the observation and the name of the instrument that it belongs to. In this example exposure 5 was deleted again from the list, leaving slot#5 empty because exposures are not renumbered after a deletion.
\epsfig{width=0.3\hsize, file=figs/navtree.ps}
\end{center} \end{figure}

Normally, the ``back'' or ``forward'' buttons of the viewer should not be used to navigate, unless mentioned explicitly as an exception.

Note: Do not forget to commit all entries made on the current page before moving on to another!

By using the navigation tool in the left-hand frame, users can move as high up in the hierarchy as the proposal level. In order to return to any higher level (XRPS entry page or list of stored proposals), use the ``Proposal List'' button in the bottom frame, from where also the XRPS entry page can be reached again.

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European Space Agency - XMM Science Operations Centre