XMM Users'
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- Sketch of the XMM payload. The mirror modules, two of
which are equipped with Reflection Grating Arrays, are visible at the
lower left. At the right end of the assembly, the focal X-ray instruments
are shown: The EPIC MOS cameras with their radiators (black/green
``horns''), the radiator of the EPIC pn camera (violet) and those
of the (light blue) RGS detectors (in pink). The OM telescope
(orange) is obscured by the lower mirror module.
Figure courtesy of Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH.
- The light path in XMM's open X-ray telescope (not to
- The light path in the two XMM telescopes with
grating assemblies (not to scale). Note that the actual fraction of
the non-intercepted light that passes to the primary (EPIC) focus
is 42%, while 40% of the incident light is intercepted by grating
plates of the RGA.
- The on-axis PSF of one XMM mirror module at an energy of
1.49 keV as measured at the Panter facility. The radial pattern
created by the mirror support spiders is clearly visible. To enhance
the visibility of the wings, intensities are scaled logarithmically.
- Radial average of one XMM mirror module's on-axis PSF,
from a SciSim model simulation.
- Curves of fractional encircled energy as a function of
angular radius (on-axis), at several different energies (linear
- Curves of fractional encircled energy as a function of
angular radius (on-axis), at several different energies (logarithmic
- The dependence of the X-ray PSF's shape on the position
in the field of view. This image was made from Panter measurements,
thus not under flight conditions, but the PSFs are still representative.
Measurements were taken at off-axis angles of 7' and 14', at 4(6)
different azimuthal positions. The intensity scale is logarithmic.
- Curves of radii encircling 90% of the total energy of a
point source at various off-axis angles. Beyond an off-axis angle of
about 10' part of the source flux is lost off the edges of the CCD
chips, especially at high energies, where the wings of the XMM PSF
are most prominent. This loss of part of the photons in the PSF wings
leads to the apparent decrease of W90 above 3 keV.
- The effective area of all XMM mirror modules, in comparison
with those of other X-ray satellites (linear scale).
- The effective area of all XMM mirror modules, in comparison
with those of other X-ray satellites (logarithmic scale).
- The net effective area of all XMM mirror modules, combined
with the response characteristics of the focal X-ray instruments,
EPIC and RGS (linear scale).
- The net effective area of all XMM mirror modules, combined
with the response characteristics of the focal X-ray instruments,
EPIC and RGS (logarithmic scale).
- The total effective area, Ae, of all XMM
mirror modules, at a few selected energies, as a function of off-axis
angle (0'-15'). The numbers shown here do not include any
reductions due to detector responses.
- The field of view of the two types of EPIC cameras;
EPIC MOS (left) and EPIC pn (right). The shaded circle depicts
a 30' diameter area. For the alignment of the different cameras
with respect to each other in the XMM focal plane refer to the
- Sketch of the numbering and coordinate system definitions
within the EPIC MOS camera.
- Sketch of the numbering and coordinate system definitions
within the EPIC pn camera.
- The EPIC pn and MOS energy resolution (FWHM) as a
function of energy. The data points come from SciSim simulations.
- Quantum efficiency of the two types of EPIC CCD chips (pn
and MOS) as a function of photon energy.
- The EPIC MOS effective area for each of the optical
blocking filters and the ``open'' (no filter) position.
- The EPIC pn effective area for each of the optical
blocking filters and the ``open'' (no filter) position.
- The effective area of XMM, with various combinations of
EPIC detectors (total, pn only, 2 MOS cameras, 1 MOS only), compared
with AXAF ACIS-I and AXAF HRC-I (linear scale).
- The effective area of XMM, with various combinations of
EPIC detectors (total, pn only, 2 MOS cameras, 1 MOS only), compared
with AXAF ACIS-I and AXAF HRC-I (logarithmic scale).
- EPIC pn sensitivity limits for a point source with an
= 0.7 power law spectrum, for different energy bands,
see Table 5.
- EPIC pn sensitivity limits for a point source with an
= 3.0 power law spectrum, for different energy bands,
see Table 5.
- EPIC pn sensitivity limits for a 30'' extended source
with a kT = 0.3 keV Mekal thermal plasma spectrum.
- SciSim simulation of the EPIC MOS PSF with increasing
photon count rate per frame. The panels are arranged clockwise, with
the lowest count rate (and thus pile-up rate) in the upper left and
the highest in the lower left. The simulated count rates are 0.37,
5.92, 12.6 and 23.7 counts/s, respectively.
- The best-fitting power law slope,
, for an
input spectrum into SciSim, with different input count rates,
leading to different levels of pile-up.
- Series of EPIC MOS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 0.1 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM passband (0.1-15 keV) increases from
500 to 20000.
- Series of EPIC pn model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 0.2 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM passband (0.1-15 keV) increases from
500 to 20000.
- Series of EPIC MOS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 0.5 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM passband (0.1-15 keV) increases from
500 to 20000.
- Series of EPIC MOS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 2.0 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM passband (0.1-15 keV) increases from
500 to 20000.
- Series of EPIC MOS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 10.0 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts in the XMM passband (0.1-15 keV) increases from
500 to 20000.
- EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
power law spectra and different values for the absorbing column density,
NH (thin filter).
- EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
power law spectra and different values for the absorbing column density,
NH (medium filter).
- EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various power law spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (thin filter).
- EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various power law spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (medium filter).
- EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (thin filter).
- EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (medium filter).
- EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (thin filter).
- EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (medium filter).
- EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
black body spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (thin filter).
- EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
black body spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (medium filter).
- EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various black body spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (thin filter).
- EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various black body spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (medium filter).
- Sketch of an RFC chip array, with 9 MOS CCDs. The half
of each CCD at large camera-y coordinates is exposed to the sky, the
other half is used as a storage area. The -1. order spectrum of a
source observed on-axis starts on the left chip. The dispersion
direction is along the ``Z'' axis, so that higher energies are
dispersed to higher values in Z.
- The dispersion along the dispersion coordinate, Z (in mm),
vs. CCD PHA-channel output of an RGS spectrum in -1. and -2.
grating orders onto the RGS focal cameras, assuming equal gains of
all CCD output nodes. This also illustrates the mechanism used for
separating spectral orders.
- The resolving power ( HEW) of both RGS in the -1.
and -2. grating orders.
- The resolving power ( FWHM) of both RGS in the -1.
and -2. grating orders.
- The resolving power (
E) of both RGS in -1. and -2. grating order.
- A close-up view of the Al K line at 1.49 keV, from an RGS
model spectrum produced with SciSim, along the dispersion direction.
- A close-up view of the Al K line at 1.49 keV, from an RGS
model spectrum produced with SciSim, along the cross-dispersion
- Response of RGS-1 to Mg K
radiation (E = 1.25 keV;
), in orders m=-1,-2, respectively, as measured
at Panter. The excess seen on the right side of the profile is due to
the presence of fainter, slightly higher energy lines in the emission
spectrum of the calibration source (which was also included in the
input to the simulations). The second order profile shows
that the outer wings of the scattering distribution are currently
underpredicted. For reference, 1 mm in the focal plane equals 0.104
Å at Mg K
, m = -1, and 0.0665 Å at Mg K
, m =
- The effective area of both RGS units combined and RGS-1
(linear scale). Seam losses between the CCDs are not taken into account.
- The RGS sensitivity limits of one RGS for a 5-
detection on the O VII emission line complex at 0.57 keV of a
point source.
- The RGS sensitivity limits of one RGS for a 5-
detection on the Ne X emission line at 1.022 keV of a point
- The RGS sensitivity limits of one RGS for a 5-
detection on the Si XIII 1.86 keV emission line of a point
- RGS avoidance angles for sources brighter than 4 (5) optical
magnitudes (right/left panel). -Z is the dispersion direction of RGS,
Y is the cross-dispersion direction.
- Series of RGS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 0.1 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts increases from 500 to 10000.
- Series of RGS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 0.5 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts increases from 500 to 10000.
- Series of RGS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 2.0 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts increases from 500 to 10000.
- Series of RGS model spectra of a Mekal thermal plasma
with a temperature of 5 keV. From the bottom to the top, the total
number of counts increases from 500 to 10000.
- RGS flux to count rate conversion factors for various power
law spectra and different values for the absorbing column density, NH.
All numbers were obtained for the -1. grating order only.
- RGS flux to count rate conversion factors for various black
body spectra and different values for the absorbing column density, NH.
All numbers were obtained for the -1. grating order only.
- RGS flux to count rate conversion factors for various Mekal
thermal plasma spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH. All numbers were obtained for the -1. grating order
- The light path in XMM's optical/UV telescope, OM.
- Sketch of the OM micro-channel plate intensified CCD (MIC)
- Setup of OM imaging mode default mode observations
consisting of a sequence of 5 exposures. The science windows are
indicated by solid lines, the detector windows by dashed lines.
A 16 in-memory pixel margin around the science window is allocated
to accommodate spacecraft drifts.
- Throughput curves for the OM filters, folded with the
detector sensitivity (the cutoff in the throughput curve of the UVW2
filter is an artifact due to a lack of measured data below 180 nm).
- The OM grism throughput, folded with the detector response.
- OM count rates vs. filter selection for stars of different
spectral type with mv = 20 mag.
- When the boundaries of OM science windows are defined in
detector pixel coordinates, the relative location of the windows
with respect to each other does not change. However, different
areas on the sky are imaged under different position angles.
- Defining the locations of OM science windows in sky
one makes sure that (approximately) the same area of the sky is imaged
under different position angles. Now, however, the OM science windows
can change their relative locations. Windows 3 and 5 (which used to be
in the upper left corner of window 3, see Fig. 72)
are now partially overlapping, which is not allowed and window 4 is now
partly outside the OM FOV (which is also not allowed).
- The effective area of both RGS units combined and RGS-1
(linear scale), compared with AXAF's ACIS-S instrument with various
transmission gratings.
- Comparison of a 30 ks observation of a cluster with a 6 keV
thermal plasma spectrum with AXAF ACIS-I (bottom) and XMM EPIC
(top). Normalised counts are counts per spectral bin.
- Comparison of AXAF ACIS-I vs. XMM EPIC (pn and MOS)
pile-up for different total frame count rates. The frame times are
3.3, 2.8 and 0.07 seconds for ACIS-I, MOS and pn, respectively.
- Comparison of AXAF ACIS-I vs. XMM EPIC (pn and MOS)
pile-up for different incident source fluxes, after conversion of
counts per frame to flux units, adopting an
law spectrum with an absorbing hydrogen column density of
- Sketch of the highly elliptical XMM orbit. Figure provided
by Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH.
- Sketch showing the location of the XMM apogee telemetry
- Location of the XMM ground station telemetry gap with
respect to orbital position, apogee being the position at 24 h.
- Approximate sky visibility (in % of the total theoretically
available time) during orbits 3-430 of XMM operation. Coordinates are
equatorial, in units of degrees, centred on (180,0).
- Sky areas for which a given maximum target visibility is not
reached during orbits 3-430 of XMM operation. Same coordinates as in
Fig. 81.
- The division of XMM observing time during the first two
- The top-level GUI of the XMM Science Simulator (SciSim),
presenting a field of view on the sky that will display any
emitting sources that can be chosen from catalogues or defined
by the user.
- The configuration GUI of SciSim, displaying which parts of
XMM will be modeled. In the setup shown, all instruments
will be modeled and the data will be stored in the files
tempo (OM), tempe (EPIC) and tempf (RGS).
- The GUI of SciSim's Ray Generator.
European Space Agency - XMM Science Operations Centre