XMM Users' Handbook

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EPIC's sensitivity limits

The EPIC sensitivity limits depend on the angular structure and the spectral characteristics of the source that is observed. The numbers for an unresolved point source with a power law emission spectrum are listed in Table 5.

Table 5: 5-$\sigma $ point source sensitivity of the EPIC pn camera1
Int. time [ks] 0.1-2.4 keV 0.4-4.5 keV 2-10 keV 0.1-15 keV
10 17 20 64 33
20 9 11 33 18
30 7 8 20 13
60 4 5 13 8
100 2.7 3.5 8.7 5.7
Notes to Table 5:
1) All fluxes are in units of [10-15 erg cm-2 s-1], for an $\alpha _E$ = 0.7 power law spectrum, assuming only extragalactic X-ray background radiation (as described in § 3.3.7).

Both internal (particle-induced) and external (celestial X-ray) background was included in the calculations, as described in § 3.3.7. A detect cell the size of the FWHM of the XMM PSF were used.

Table 6: EPIC pn OVII 0.57 keV line sensitivity1
Cont. flux2 10 ks 100 ks
10-3 103 32.2
10-4 33.6 10.3
10-5 11.8 3.36
10-6 5.07 1.18
10-7 3.35 0.51
10-8 3.08 0.34
10-9 3.05 0.31
Notes to Table 6:
1) All line fluxes are in units of [photons cm-2 s-1].
2) In [10-6 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1].

Table 7: EPIC pn FeXXV 6.63 keV line sensitivity1
Cont. flux2 10 ks 100 ks
10-3 82.3 25.7
10-4 27.1 8.23
10-5 9.79 2.71
10-6 4.56 0.98
10-7 3.32 0.46
10-8 3.15 0.33
10-9 3.13 0.31
Notes to Table 7:
1) All line fluxes are in units of [photons cm-2 s-1].
2) In [10-6 photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1].

The sensitivity limits for two selected emission lines are tabulated in Tables 6 and 7. Here the background was treated as if it were part of the underlying continuum flux. In Tables 5-7 and Figs. 24-26 the sensitivity limits of only the EPIC pn camera are provided. Using the effective area curves from above, one can estimate that the numbers should be multiplied by a factor of 0.75 to obtain the approximate sensitivity of all EPIC cameras combined.

Fig. 24 displays the minimum detectable source flux for a point source with an $\alpha _E$ = 0.7 power law spectrum, Fig. 25 that of an $\alpha _E$ = 3.0 (``soft excess'') source. Fig. 26 shows the minimum detectable source flux for 30'' extended sources with a kT = 0.3 keV Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl (in the following ``Mekal'') thermal plasma.

Figure 24: EPIC pn sensitivity limits for a point source with an $\alpha _E$ = 0.7 power law spectrum, for different energy bands, see Table 5.
\epsfig{width=0.6\hsize, angle=270, file=figs/epic_limit_17.eps}
\end{center} \end{figure}

Figure 25: EPIC pn sensitivity limits for a point source with an $\alpha _E$ = 3.0 power law spectrum, for different energy bands, see Table 5.
\epsfig{width=0.6\hsize, angle=270, file=figs/epic_limit_40.eps}
\end{center} \end{figure}

Figure 26: EPIC pn sensitivity limits for a 30'' extended source with a kT = 0.3 keV Mekal thermal plasma spectrum.
\epsfig{width=0.6\hsize, angle=270, file=figs/epic_limit_ext.eps}
\end{center} \end{figure}

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European Space Agency - XMM Science Operations Centre