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EPIC flux to count rate conversion
The following set of figures
(Figs. 34-41)
provides EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for a variety of
standard spectral models, for each camera type (pn and MOS), with the thin
and medium optical blocking filters. Families of curves for various values
of the foreground absorbing column density, NH, are plotted. Both the
(unabsorbed) fluxes (i.e., after taking into account the attenuation by
the foreground gas) and the count rates are calculated for the 0.1-12
keV band.
Note that the conversion factors for the MOS cameras refer to one
MOS camera only.
The order of the plots is:
- 1.
- Power law models
- 2.
- Thermal plasma (Raymond-Smith) models with solar metallicities
- 3.
- Black body models
For each model type, two pn camera plots are shown first (thin and medium
filter, in that order), then two MOS plots.
Figure 34:
EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
power law spectra and different values for the absorbing column density,
NH (thin filter).
Figure 35:
EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
power law spectra and different values for the absorbing column density,
NH (medium filter).
Figure 36:
EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various power law spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (thin filter).
Figure 37:
EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various power law spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (medium filter).
Figure 38:
EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (thin filter).
Figure 39:
EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (medium filter).
Figure 40:
EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (thin filter).
Figure 41:
EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various Raymond-Smith spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (medium filter).
Figure 42:
EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
black body spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (thin filter).
Figure 43:
EPIC pn flux to count rate conversion factors for various
black body spectra and different values for the absorbing column
density, NH (medium filter).
Figure 44:
EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various black body spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (thin filter).
Figure 45:
EPIC flux to count rate conversion factors for one MOS
camera for various black body spectra and different values for the
absorbing column density, NH (medium filter).
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European Space Agency - XMM Science Operations Centre