
Presentations made at the 'Space Science meets Smart Optics' forum. Files are in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.

•  Introduction

•  Opportunities in UK Civil Space Programme - David Leadbeater, BNSC

•  Business in Space - David Parker, Astrium

•  Smart Optics for ESA Space Science Missions - Phillipe Gondoin

•  Progress in Smart Optics - Jon Holmes, SIRA

•  Smart Optics Technologies, Techniques and Space Applications - Alan Greenaway, HWU

•  OMAM - Optical Manipulation And Metrology - Alan Greenaway, HWU

•  Market Assessment of Large Deformable Mirrors - J. Barrington-Brown, Nohmia

•  Light Weight Mirrors for Space - Peter Doel, UCL Optical Science Laboratory

•  An Adaptable Imaging Camera

•  Thermochromic Radiator - A Topping, Oxford University

•  Adaptive Optics Toolkit - Carl Paterson, Imperial College

•  Optics for Instruments in Space and Solar Orbiter - Berend Winter, UCL MSSL

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