Data Processing: Source CollationAt this stage of the processing we have a number of individual source tables, one for every image obtained during a pointing. The tables are combined into a single structure, merging astrometry, photometry and quality data of unique sources where necessary. AstrometryDetections recorded in multiple tables are considered to be the same source when they meet a positional criterion. If the distance between two point sources r < max{2",3σr} then the detections are adopted as the same source, where σr is the rms uncertainty in the distance. The criteria for extended sources is slightly different, where r < max{3",3σr}. Source positions and filter-dependent morphologies are refined by adopting mean values, weighted by uncertainty. PhotometrySeparate detections through one filter that have been identified as the same source have their photometric information combined. Count rates and detection significances are averaged without weights, with their errors propagated. Fluxes and Magnitudes are recomputed from the average count rate. Two variability statistics are also calculated. The reduced-χ2 is best used to measure trends:
Fn are the individual AB fluxes, σn are the rms uncertainties and <Fn> is the unweighted-mean flux. The maximum outlier statistic is best-employed searching for discrete flares. It is the number of σ that the furthest point resides away from the median of a series of AB fluxes. Detections of the same source through different filters are appended to one table entry rather than to separate rows in the catalogue. QualityQuality flags are propagated and combined for averaged sources detected through the same filter, but not for detections of the same source through a separate filter. Only sources observed multiple times over a single pointing are combined in the fashion described above. Sources which are observed multiple times during different pointings are not combined, therefore such sources will appear multiple times, once per pointing within the catalogue. SAS tasks: omsrclistcomb |