Source Properties
In this section we review both the quality and generic properites
of the catalogue sources.
4.1. Filters .......................................... Qualities of the XMM-OM filter set
4.2. Source Detections ....................... Fidelity of the source detection algorithm
4.3. Astrometry ................................... Accuracy of XMM-OM astromerty and the astrometric correction
4.4. Sky Coverage .............................. Area of the survey and pointing distribution
4.5. Time Sampling ............................. Multiple exposures and repointings
4.6. Photometry .................................. Photometric accuracy
4.7. Colours ........................................ Source colour comparisons and modeling
4.8. Quality Flags ................................ Accuracy of the quality algorithms, frequency of quality issues
4.9. Extended Sources ........................ Extended source statistics
4.10. Source Redshifts .......................... Redshift statistics