Data Processing
This section summarizes the chain of data reduction performed on
raw telemetered XMM-OM images in order to populate the UV catalogue
with sources and their physical properties.
2.1. Raw Data ..................................... Description of the XMM-OM Observation Data Files
2.2. Bad Pixels .................................... Constructing a cosmetic quality map
2.3. Flatfielding ................................... Removing large scale sensitivity variations
2.4. Fixed-Pattern Correction .............. Redistributing modulo-8 fixed pattern
2.5. Source Detection .......................... Locating discrete sources in the image
2.6. Photometry ................................... Source magntiude conversion
2.7. Astrometry .................................... Computing Source coordinates
2.8. Quality Flagging ........................... Flagging potential data issues
2.9. Source Collation ........................... Combining source tables